Sunday, September 23, 2018

The Villain in the Story by Victoria Chatham

I write historical fiction and was so pleased to co-author with Anita Davison on Envy the Wind, Book #11 in the Canadian Historical Brides collection. My preferred genre is mostly-sweet Regency romance but even in a sweet romance, there needs to be some issue to create conflict for the characters because, without it, there really is no story. Think of a piece of string. If it is laid out flat, it is boring, uninteresting. Nothing is happening. Now imagine there are several knots in it. Who tied that knot and why? Why did they choose to tie the knot in that particular place in the string? The whole picture changes.

In the same way that we construct three-dimensional characters for our heroes and heroines, our villains,
if they are to be credible, need to be three-dimensional too. It isn’t always the guy with half-shut left eye or scarred cheek who is a villain, nor the woman with perfect make-up and too-white smile. Just as our H/H’s come in all shapes and sizes, so too do our villains. Making them credible comes from creating their backstory just as you have
done with your H/H.

What happened in your villain’s life to make him/her the way they are? Just as the branches on a bonsai tree are formed and shaped with wire, so a villain’s character is formed and shaped by the circumstances he/she grows up in or by what happens to them. You only have to look at some of Disney’s villains to get the idea. Think Maleficent, who is betrayed by her lover Stefan’s ambitions to become king. To reach that end, he sets out to kill her, but at the last minute can’t do it so instead cuts off her wings. Easy to see why Maleficent became ticked off by that.  And then there’s Captain Hook, bent on revenge after Peter Pan cuts off his hand and feeds it to the crocodile. What about Scar in The Lion King? All the elements in those Disney villains are examples of how you can build your bad guys.

Villains walk like us and talk like us, for the most part. They can be intelligent and likable, the veritable good guy. People (your readers) quite like him when he’s on the page, maybe mirroring some of the better characteristics of your hero. He’s often kind, except that behind the kindness is the determination to get what he wants – usually at the hero’s expense.

While I have no problem creating a villain’s back story and showing some human element in them, I’m think I’m much better at making them more twisted than terrible, even though they might do terrible things. And the villain in Envy the Wind? I'm not telling. You'll have to read the book to find out!

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Stately Ghosts

To purchase this through Amazon

Stately Ghosts

Vacationing on Vancouver Island is always a very relaxing and rewarding experience, and for the last couple of years I have also been able to define it as “work” as my new paranormal series, based around my main character Detective Carol Ainsworth, is set on that beautiful island and mostly in Victoria.
Victoria is reportedly the most haunted city in Canada, which is my main reason for setting these novels there, but also I suppose because it is close enough for me to do real research for a change, instead of relying on that good old staple Google. Tagging along of course is my very helpful wife, whose analytical madness I have become to rely on.
The Rogers’ Chocolates store, near the Empress hotel, is one supposedly haunted site so obviously well worth a visit (and for my wife to enjoy a girl’s best friend too of course!). The very wonderful and chatty lady that had been working there for the last ten years had known of ghostly goings-on, an example of which is that one morning all the boxes of vanilla chocolates from one shelf unit had been knocked onto the floor. Funny thing, it was only the vanilla chocolates, not the plain or toffee or nut, which were all still in their place. These were well known to be Leah Roger’s favorites. A rather colourful street person outside also had a story for me, in that his friend would walk by with his dog most evenings and the dog would, on many an occasion, stop and stare at the upper window, growling and barking at something which he only could see. Of course, this is where the living quarters for the Rogers were situated!
We spent the first two nights in the Emily Carr suite at The Pendray Hotel on the inner harbour, which is supposedly haunted by two male ghosts. This is precisely why we stayed there but unfortunately they did not think us worth a visit. (I could tell you that when I awoke at five in the morning and swore I got a vague whiff of oil paint).
After a relaxing three nights at the Point No Point resort in Sooke (no, no ghosts or ghost stories; however a pod of Orca did grace us with its presence) we spent our final night at the Fairmont Empress. I wanted to get a real feel for the place, especially during the wee hours. Our last evening was spent in the wonderfully appointed bar, The Q, which overlooks the harbour. A very morose young lady dressed all in black finished her glass of wine and left her window seat up for grabs. (Maybe more of this sad figure to come; she did have an effect on me.) Our very attentive waitress was happy to be quizzed and was very knowledgeable having worked there for some time. On asking about weird goings-on she did have one story, in that a customer came down to the bar rather pale looking and after downing his scotch in one said his wife and daughter had just seen a ghost and were currently moving rooms.
Whilst waiting for our vehicle the next morning I asked the valet the same question. His story was more compelling. He had a man report that his wife’s luggage had been opened when they got to their room and her clothes had been taken out and “ghost clothing” (his words so I presume they were old fashioned) had been put in their place. (This valet had been working there some years too; I guess Victoria is a great place to work!).
There are reports of several ghosts in the Empress; some old employees that rather enjoyed their jobs never seem to leave, even after death, and on occasion wander the halls. During recent renovations, two workers quit, claiming to see a man hanging from a noose. It was later discovered that indeed, in the fifties, a man had hanged himself in that very same suite.
It is also reported that the man that built the Empress and the parliament buildings, Francis Rattenbury, frequents his old glories, looking for recognition after dying in an unmarked grave.
So although we didn’t actually have any ghostly experiences ourselves, our trip was invaluable for information gathering, sight-seeing and just generally soaking up the atmosphere. Perhaps the story of book three in this series will find it is being told in Victoria too.
Have I ever seen a ghost, you ask? Well not as such, but I have had what I call a spiritual encounter that was rather spooky. A friend had hiked into the Stein Valley a few times and claimed to have some very spirit-based encounters. After taking a small ferry and parking my vehicle I hiked in a couple of kilometers to a campsite, passing some petroglyphs on the trail, and pitched a tent at a campsite near the river, all alone. That night I encountered weird voices outside the tent and something scratching the tent’s awning. After working up the courage I turned on my light and took a look around; nothing but the water flowing past in the Stein River. It happened a couple of times and after I fell asleep I felt as if I was flowing into the earth, becoming one with it. Very grounding. I had the sensation that whatever spirits were out there had checked me out and thought I was okay. Now I knew why the old native shamans would go into this valley to learn their craft. Although, when you’re alone in the pitch-black wilderness under only a thin layer of canvas, and something is scratching at your tent, it’s definitely time for new clean underwear!

Frank Talaber
My webpage

Frank Talaber’s Writing Style? He usually responds with: Mix Dan Millman (Way of The Peaceful Warrior) with Charles De Lint (Moonheart) and throw in a mad scattering of Tom Robbins (Even Cowgirls Get The Blues).
PS: He’s better looking than Stephen King (Carrie, The Stand, It, The Shining) and his romantic stuff will have you gasping quicker than Robert James Waller (Bridges Of Madison County).
Or as is often said: You don’t have to be mad to be a writer, but it sure helps. (My facebook short story page)

Twitter: @FrankTalaber

The Video of The Joining, my upcoming series

Friday, September 21, 2018

BWL's Holiday Celebration Contest

This is an easy contest with a great prize attached.  Contest is open to everyone who visits the Blogspot or the Website, authors and readers alike.  As always with BWL drawings we save all the entries in an email folder and send it to an independent third party or group to draw the winners.  Because we only promote our contests to our visitors and readers, the odds are very good for winning. 

To enter our holiday contest just visit our website, scroll to the bottom of the page and complete the entry form.  Tell us how you came to visit either the Books We Love Website or the BWL Author Blogspot page.  That's it.  You'll be entered to win.  


 Six BWL author ebooks from your choice of any of our BWL Publishing Authors.  

One Print copy of Brides of Banff Springs (Alberta) Book #1 in the Canadian Historical Brides Collection

Drawing will be on December 10, 2018 

See you over on the BWL Publishing Website.  

Thursday, September 20, 2018

A Stroll Through the Gilmore Car Museum with J.Q. Rose

Deadly Undertaking by J.Q. Rose
Cozy Mystery, Paranormal
Click here to find mysteries by J.Q. Rose at BWL Publishing

Hello and welcome to the BWL Insiders Blog! 

Do you remember when car manufacturers kept their new models a secret until the unveiling in the fall? My Dad and I could hardly wait to see the new, sleek vehicles for the coming year. The manufacturers made it a big event. I miss that now. But I still have my love of cars. And I especially enjoy the art of the car. Did you ever think of a car as being artwork? Especially the older cars, muscle cars, and vintage vehicles.

We are fortunate to live only a couple of hours from a fantastic car museum, the Gilmore Car Museum. They are an interactive walk through history with their displays and exhibits located in amazing old barns nestled in the rolling farmland near Kalamazoo, Michigan. 

Please join me for a stroll through the museum so you can see some of the magnificent machines on display. 

VIDEO: A Stroll Through the Gilmore Car Museum by J.Q. Rose

Curious? Make a plan to visit sometime. Click here for the Gilmore Car Museum website.

Do you appreciate the art of a car from its interior design to the lovely lines of the outside? I don't know a thing about the motor. I just want the car to go when I turn it on and press the pedal.!!! 

Thanks for stopping in today.

Click here to connect online with J.Q Rose.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Welcome to...Monkey Island! by Stuart R. West

Despite the banana in the title, this has nothing to do with Monkey Island except a whole lotta monkey business.

 "For you see, Mr. Bond, Monkey Island is a training ground for my personal army of monkeys where I shall eventually unleash them on an unwitting world to conquer...Disneyland! Mwah-hah-hah!"

Marvel at the cute, wacky antics of lovable monkeys!
Yes, Monkey Island sounds like a James Bond villain compound, a perfect setting for a future secret agent novel, one that has the creative juices flowing. And, yes, Monkey Island actually exists. Come with me now, intrepid explorers, as I recount more adventures in the Amazon ans we visit...MONKEY ISLAND!

Tuesday morning we set out by boat on the Nanay River, an Amazon River tributary. Where the tributary meets the Amazon River, a visually distinctive color change differentiates the two rivers from "black (that's what it's called, although it's not really. Hey, I don't make up the rules.)" to light creamy brown. Shifting sediment causes color change. 
Thrill at the incredible changing water color!
Which is just one of the many amazing things about the Amazon: the landscape changes constantly. (I saw a huge tree actually topple into the river as we traveled. And there are "walking trees!" They uproot themselves and move toward sunlight. Sure, they're slow, but they'd probably beat sloths in a foot race any day.)
See the incredible, uncanny tree that walks like a man!
Soon, we neared MONKEY ISLAND ("ka-blammo!"). My spidey senses tingled (or maybe that was water sickness). As we disembarked, I was quickly reminded of my lousy sense of balance and lack of grace. Pay heed, folks, for we'll be revisiting this theme many times.

Excitement swelled in our group as we walked the planks up to...Monkey Island! ("Bum, bum, bummmm...") 
Duck and cover from flying feces!
Another habitat (brought to you by the fine folks of the previous manatee habitat), Monkey Island personnel rescues rare monkeys and nurses them to health. Unlike the manatee habitat, though, the monkeys roam their island freely to mess with unsuspecting visitors.

Our host warned us to wash off all bug spray and sunscreen since there'd been an earlier incident where several monkeys died by licking toxic bug lotion. We were also told, "monkeys are curious. So watch your jewelry." Understatement.

Our group washed up, stripped down, and prepared to enter...MONKEY ISLAND ("Dun, dun, dunnnnnn...").

Three minutes into our tour, a woolly monkey approached my wife, crawled up her body, and tossed its arms around her. For twenty minutes, they were inseparable as the monkey licked and kissed her and tugged playfully at her necklace.
Get jealous as my wife finds comfort in the arms of a furry stranger!
One of our traveling companions wasn't so lucky. Sara's monkey started off all cutesy, innocent and sweet, but within seconds "cute" morphed into stark-raving TERROR! The monkey climbed atop Sara's head, yanked at her hair, entangled its limbs throughout Sara's tresses, and held on tight. Like a victim in the film The Birds, Sara ineffectively tried to disengage her primate pal, plucking at it to no avail. That monkey wasn't going anywhere.

Elsewhere on MONKEY ISLAND ("Zinnnnnngggg!"), another fellow traveler, Liz, welcomed a monkey into her arms. But this monkey had a hidden agenda, an evil one. Feigning sweetness, it jabbed out, snatched Liz's glasses, and tore off into the bushes. Miraculously, one of the guides was able to retrieve the glasses.
Don't dare trust these little buggers!
Yet another monkey dragged one of our pals, Kelly, by the hand. We all thought it the cutest thing. Until the demonic beast's true intentions became apparent. The creature stopped Kelly by a small tree, positioned her oh-so-carefully, then used her as a ladder to climb into the tree's limbs.
Hold onto your wallets and purses!
Even the sloth appeared less than trustworthy, evil gleaming in its eyes. (But I wasn't too worried; even I could outrun a sloth should it come to it.)

Me? My only contact was with a parrot. Oh, sure, it was friendly enough as it roosted on the teens in our group, but when I approached, it pecked at me.
Beware the feathered face of evil!
Maybe these surface-cuddly beasts truly were a secret, evil army in training after all. 

Speaking of nefarious goings-on lurking beneath the facade of innocence, check into the mysteries surrounding the citizens of Peculiar County.
Visit enchanting Peculiar County today, just one click away.

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