Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Have we lived before? by Vijaya Schartz

A common belief in most of Asia is that of reincarnation. After we die, the eternal soul reincarnates into another body. Some believe in metempsychosis, reincarnating as animals, often as punishment for bad behavior in our last life, while others believe the evolving soul chooses an unborn child in the womb and bonds with it, to continue its journey toward enlightenment.

In Tibetan Buddhism, when the Dalai lama dies, the monks go in search of their next religious leader, by seeking the children born the closest to the time of the old one's death. As each child grows, he is tested on his memories and knowledge from his previous life, and if recognized as the authentic reincarnation of his predecessor, he is declared the new Dalai Lama.

This ancient idea of reincarnation permeates even the Judeo-Christian culture, as it was still a common belief through the Middle East in biblical times. The scriptures, despite thorough editing, still mention that Jesus told his disciples that John the Baptist was indeed the prophet Elijah, who had died centuries earlier. The doctrine of reincarnation was once recognized as part of the secret teachings of Jesus. In 553 AD, however, at the Second Council of Constantinople, the Roman Church declared this doctrine a heresy. Reincarnation is still a tenet of Orthodox Judaism.

While the body returns to ashes, Christianity still recognizes the soul as eternal, and life as eternal. In the bible edits, the term reincarnated was often replaced by resurrected, like at the end of times, when we shall all return to witness the final battle between good and evil, before the meek can inherit the Earth.

Fun facts:
A popular French Christian name is René, which means "reborn." Until the last century, many families named their newborns after their grandfathers, as it was still believed that most likely the grandfather would choose to reincarnate inside the family to continue his work of leading and protecting it.

Modern philosophers are revisiting the theory of reincarnation with new eyes. Many use regression under hypnosis to search for memories of previous lives and claim to have found irrefutable proof. Having studied in India, I find the topic fascinating. I especially like the notion of Karma and Samsara, knowing that justice will prevail in the end, and we are just at different stages in our personal evolution. Assuming that God is just, such a theory would explain all the inequality in this world.

As a novelist, I couldn't resist writing a story based on reincarnation. If you enjoy exotic settings and provocative ideas, try ASHES FOR THE ELEPHANT GOD. It's about two lovers, murdered in a previous life, who meet again in this life, in India, where their murderess awaits...

Vijaya Schartz


  1. Vijaya, this is interesting and informative. Two of my novels deal with the subject of reincarnation, and I've read several books on the subject. The ancient Celts believed in reincarnation, too.

    1. Thanks for your comments, Shirley. Yes, reincarnation was a widespread belief in the ancient world.

  2. I've read much on the subject and am a semi-believer, especially when related to an experience I had. While with my father and children on a picnic in a PA forest, I thought I saw French and Indians skulking amonth the trees. When my father wanted to go to an overlook, I totally freaked out and told him I wouldn't go because they threw me in the river. When he read the sign at the overlook he found that Indian children had been thrown to their death during the French and Indian War. To this day I'm fine with heights if alone but not when there are others around

    1. Thanks, Janet, for sharing this traumatic event. I heard many similar stories, and yes, reincarnation would definitely explain many of our irrational fears, if they are anchored in experiences from a previous life.

  3. Fascinating topic. Reincarnation is also a core component in many Native American belief structures. If so there could be a lot of politicians in for a very rough time. -)

    1. I like the way you think, Jude. Karma is a bitch.

  4. So intriguing, Viyaja. Where do we go from here? I love your comment about politicians, Jude. :) And Janet, your own experience gives one pause, for sure. Appreciate the sharing.

    1. I guess our best bet is to behave with love an compassion in this life, so we can some day reap the rewards.

  5. I've always been fascinated with the Victorian era and the big mansions. Not sure why But I said if I lived during that time, it was probably as the mean old nanny and not the elegant lady of the house. LOL

  6. My daughter-in-law has a cute sign on her refrigerator. It features a person running away as fast as they can and screaming: "Reincarnation! No! Not again!"
    It's a depressive joke which always makes me laugh, even though I too, like Janet, am a semi-believer.

    1. Reincarnation humor. Priceless. Thanks for sharing, Juliet.

  7. As I understand it, about 2/3 of the world's population believes in reincarnation. One of the best books I've read is "Sole Survivor." Very convincing.

  8. It amazes me how often we know that we know something, but don't know how or why we do. I've always thought that reincarnation had something to do with it. Thoroughly enjoyed your post Vijaya.

    1. Thanks, Victoria. It is a mystery. We may never know for sure, but it does make a lot of sense.

  9. Vijaya, I read your post with much interest. I like to keep an open mind...

    1. Thanks for your comment, Sydell. I guess we'll only know the answer for sure when we die.

  10. Hi Vijaya,
    I am like Sydell, I prefer to keep an open mind also.



  11. Great post. I'm a firm believer. I've had so many dreams that have no other explanation but I have actually lived through that experience. And we all know that strange feeling when something happens where we are sure something similar has occurred in a previous time and place but can't quite figure out when or where. Two of my books waiting in the wings to be finished are about two lovers reunited through time.

    1. I know exactly what you are talking about, Tricia. It happens to me all the time. Once I was in Spain, in a small town South of Madrid for the very first time. We parked the car, and my fiance's parents said: "We have to find the market place and the castle." Without thinking, I said, "This way." They looked at me funny. "How do you know?" I had no idea, but I was certain... and I was right. That place looked so familiar to me, I felt I had lived there.

  12. Love this post. I've learned so much by reading it. Not sure where I stand with reincarnation but it's an intriguing belief.

    1. Yes, Sheila, very intriguing. Definitely worth exploring. I believe there is more to this world than what we know and can perceive. Thanks for commenting.

  13. Did you know that General Patton was a firm believer in reincarnation?


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