Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas Eggnog Blog


It is December 25th. Yes, a day of traditions. Turkey. Presents. Mistletoe. Family squabbles. And one of the great traditions...listing the greatest Christmas movies.
In the past this was challenging because people seemed to disagree as to what constitutes a Christmas movie much less which is the best. No need to have concern about that. My list, by chance, is the official movie list. Certified by Really And Nice Decisions All Like Luckily.
  1. Shall we start with the obvious classic. You know, the movie that has all of the seasons main themes. I barely need to write it. Of course, we are talking about Elf. Bathroom scenes. Mini toilets. Ginormous toilets. Woman serenaded by a giant elf while showering. And, of course, downing liquor in the mail room.
  2. When we think of Christmas we think of parties. The story of our next movie literal wouldn’t take place if it were not for the party. Enter John MacClane to surprise his estranged wife at her party. Awe, sweet. So, what happens next? No, it’s not Uncle Jim making a scene after too much spiked eggnog. We get our Christmas wish. A fun adventure revolving around automatic weapons and explosives.
  3. Christmas is the time of miracles. What could be a bigger miracle than the third movie in a series having as much entertainment as the first two. Yes, thank you Clark Griswald. You alway come through. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation gives us the charm and serenity of the season. A house with so many lights one asked “Is your house on fire?” A squirrel and a vicious attack a neighbour knocking on your door. And a near death experience going out to get a tree.

Ah, good times.

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