Sunday, November 17, 2019

Wanderings - Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor , #MFRWAuthor #Writing #Reviews

Forgotten Dreams (Moonchild Book 5)

Learning new things can be a real hard and interesting challenge. Lately I’ve been trying to master Book Bub. I’m not sure I have but lately I’ve received a number of new followers. I invested a little bit of money and have new followers every day. I’m going ot do the same for December, I think. I keep trying to recommend books but haven’t done well at that. The problem is time. I have several posts saved to do different things there. I’m not sure what will come of this.

I would rather be writing. I even have a tee shirt that says that and I wear it frequently, especially when something takes me away from my chair and clipboard. As it’s almost Thanksgiving, I will say I’m thankful for having a great publisher and a lot of co-writers whose books I enjoy. There’s also the aide who comes in five morings a week to get my invalid husband ready for be. There’smy granddaughter who helps around the house, my six other grandchildren who I don’t see as often as I would like. My children are part of this.

I’ve also been doing some reviews. They are not wonderful but I never give lower than a four. I think I’ve done what I’ve read for October  and September. I’m working on November as I’ve been reading them.

Now if I could just master all the promotional things out there, I would be pleased.

I’m also thankful for Katherine Miller who starred in my first ebook. Hard to believe that was about 20 years ago.

Murder and Mint Tea (Mrs. Miller Mysteries Book 1)


  1. I'd rather be writing then navigating the promotional things too. Enjoy your blessings!

  2. WE are all grateful for Katherine Miller, Janet...what a great series! You inspire us all.

  3. I've enjoyed every one of your books I have read, Janet. You give so much of your time in helping others, and never fail to make a comment each day on the posts.


I have opened up comments once again. The comments are moderated so if you're a spammer you are wasting your time and mine. I will not approve you.

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