Saturday, December 17, 2022

Christmas and Memories #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Christmas #Memories #Grandfather #Goose #Nutcracker


When December arrives, two things echoe in my thoughts. One is the music from the Nutcracker. The strains of the lovely music are always in the back of my mind and sometimes when I'm deep in thought. The second is my grandfather's voice saying "Christmas is coming. The geese are getting fat. Please put a penny in the old man's hat." This was his Christmas greeting to me every day. My grandfather wasn't a tall man but he was strong. He worked on bridges and other high places. He even worked on the Golden Gate Bridge. When I hear him in my thoughts say those words, I hear the touch of England in his voice. I also remember him sitting iwth me on his lap reading to me and moving his finger under the words. My mother says he did this even when I was a few weeks old. "Go and catch a falling star." Those words also bring him to mind. He loved John Donne's poems and read them all to me. Maybe even the sermong. "No man is an Island," where other words I recall.

Grandfather loved Christmas and was like a child. He also loved circuses and amusement parks. Most of all he loved books and he taught me to love them as well. He took me to the library on my third Birthday to get my won library card. What a thrill that day was. So my Christmas memories are filled with lots of things and also of the coal he always managed to fit into my stocking, as a warnng to be good. Though I only had him in my life until I was six, he's still there in my memories. "Christmas is coming."

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  1. Your Christmas memories are so sweet, Janet. They made me smile. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Oh! I too had a special grandpa, who explained New Yorker cartoons to me when I could barely talk and who read Thurber stories too, with great panache. These little bits of our lives are so precious, as we age and look back. Thanks for sharing.


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