Monday, June 19, 2023

This Or That by Helen Henderson


Windmaster Golem
Click the title for purchase information

The inspiration for this post came from a family member's new habit of watching old game shows as a means of relaxing before bed. Perry Mason had gotten too repetitive so Classic Concentration and Let's Make A Deal play for a few moments. So how does the choice of "this or that" enter the equation.

In Classic Concentration the contestants need to match hidden prizes. If you find one of the prized "take" cards, you get to take (aka steal) a prize from your opponent. The question asked is do you want to take "xxx or yyy?" Which translates to this or that. In each episode of Let's Make A Deal, contestants are asked whether to keep the money or trade it for a prize. "Keep or Trade" clearly matches the theme of "this or that."

The same dilemma of making a specific choice and the consequences of it can make like difficult for a character. Lady Kiansel, sister to the current Oracle of Givneh, is expected to one day assume the mantle and lead the temple’s followers. Her emerging powers force an impossible decision. To answer the siren call of magic requires she turn her back on her family, her heritage and the teachings of the oracle. Her decision and the consequences of it are in Windmaster Golem.

To purchase the Windmaster Novels: BWL

 ~Until next month, stay safe and read.   Helen

Helen Henderson lives in western Tennessee with her husband. While she doesn’t have any pets in residence at the moment, she often visits a husky and a fesit who have adopted her as one the pack. Find out more about her and her novels on her BWL author page.


  1. Decisions are hard for the author when writing their characters

  2. Life is paved with choices, and each choice can lead you in an unexpected direction. Thanks for sharing.


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