Thursday, August 17, 2023

The Joy of Aging by Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Aging #Joy #Tongue in Cheek


There's the Joy of Cooking and the Joy of Sex books on the market. What about the Joy of Aging. The following is my first adventure on the Joy of Aging. This may be done tounge in cheek but using a writer's imagination, just believe this really happened but perhaps embroidered a bit.

The adventure began on my birthday when I turned eighty seven. I arrived with my son at the emergeny room. After giving my name and date of birth, the interviewer turned to my son. "Just what is your mother's complaint?" Son replied. "Don't ask me. She can tell you." The woman frowned but I went into the tale about how I felt. "Take a seat and we'll call you."

A short time later, I was taken to a room where someone asked many questions, drew blood and then doctors entered the room. The lead doctor, asked a question. "Do you want to live?" "Yes," I nswered. I wan set up for an ememgency dalysis treatment. So far things went well until they look out the special catheter for the dialysis. I lost a lot of blood and this meant a consent. Now came the Joy of Aging incident.

The doctor came into the room. "Can you give me the phone numbers for oneof your children?" "Why?" I asked. "I need to get a phone consent for a blood transfusion." "Why?" I asked. "You can't have a transfusion without consent." "Why can't I give the consent." I've been waiting for this moment for days. "I'm eighty-senen years and five days old." He looked at me and said  "You're not senile." I smiled but my thoughts took in his graying hair and I didn't say but thought. "It'll happen to you soon." 

This is my first Joy of Aging post. There may be more as the process continues.


  1. Ah Janet, you are wise and cheeky - an ageless combination ;)

  2. How frustrating it must be to be treated like an incompetent child. Aging is not for sissies. So many professionals discard older people's opinions or ignore them all together. So sorry for your experience. Thanks for sharing.

  3. OMG Janet, I love it. What a terrifically witty set of responses. I can hardly wait for the next installment. Jude

  4. Wow, Janet! I am so sorry that this was your birthday, but I agree 100%! The Joy of Aging definitely should be a continuing topic -- and long may you continue! Hugs


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