Saturday, November 25, 2023

Everyone has a story to tell by Joan Havelange

Visit my BWL Author page for news and purchase info for any of my books

I am fortunate to live in a town with a vibrant library. The newly renovated library has a gallery where local artist can show their art. The artist’s display changes every month. On Wednesday evenings, the library hosts an open mic in the gallery. Open mic evening is a hoot. People are limited to 7 minutes and can read an excerpt from a book or read a poem. Or just tell a story of their own. It is great fun. The evening is an hour. Cookies, coffee, and tea are provided.

On alternate Wednesdays, the library hosts a guest speaker. The guest speaker has the floor for an hour. I was very pleased to be invited. And I was so delighted to have a crowd to share an excerpt from my newest release, Moving is Murder. I read the first chapter and received a great response.

After, I fielded questions from the audience about my writing journey. One of the questions was how did you decide on what genre you would write in?

I told the audience I had a thought while watching an old Agatha Christie movie. What if my main character wasn’t as refined or clever as Miss Marple? My protagonists, Mabel and Violet, were born. I wrote my first mystery, ‘Wayward Shot.’ This was in 2019. And now, 6 mysteries later, here I am.

I was also asked about writer’s block. Fortunately, I have never had that. I read that if your story stalls, it’s because you are taking your story in the wrong direction. After writing Murder Exit Stage Right, I thought I’d done all I could with Mabel and Violet. So I went in another direction and wrote my first thriller, Moving is Murder.

A review regarding ‘Moving is Murder.’

Great mystery with such realism... the story is more than a cozy category as there is a consistent threat of violent danger to the protagonist - the antagonist is quite sweet on the outside and truly evil on the inside (well-written). As I got deeper and deeper into the story, I read the chapters faster and faster. Every chapter had a last-line catch that yanked me into the next chapter. I finished the last 9 chapters (including the epilogue) in one day because I absolutely needed to know the ending.

This review made my day. The next story I’m going to tell is a historical mystery. After that, who knows? It may be a whodunit mystery. Or it may be another thriller. Stay tuned.




  1. Good luck on starting another mystery and exploring the genre. Will read your story soon.

  2. Great way to expand into another genre. I write in many genres, but only one genre and one story at a time. Thanks for sharing your process.


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