Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Found Treasure by Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Treasure #writing #Story

 My found treasure isn't gems or cash. My daughter was here for a few days and she nagged me a bit about clearing out the file cabinet. We did sort out a few things like a number of wills done years ago, contracts from pulblishers no longer in business. That's when i found the treasures. The rough draft of a Civil War historical novel I may or may not have written or I could have been editing it for a friend. I'll investigate this more. Then there was the background work, the blurb for myself and notes on a Regency Romance. I do know i wrote this one. That's when I stopped this search. Now there are three more drawers with multiple folders still to be looked at. I'm not sure whatever treasures I'll find but I now have a future project that's all outlined and chapter synopses in hand. Once I put the  new book going well, I'll work on this Regency. I also found a hint to a third regency - Margaret - Spices. Not much but I think more will come once I search my computer brain.

The Regency Title is Silks.

But now it's back to work on The Horror Writer's  Demise.

My Places



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  1. Wow! I will never find such treasures among my forgotten things. I moved a lot in my life, so I got rid of hopeless projects. But also, I rarely abandon a WIP for which I started research. But I may find an idea notebook somewhere with too many ideas to write them all. Thanks for sharing this. I might look for that notebook for ideas for my next series.

  2. Horror Writer's Demise sounds wonderful! Irony is always delicious. Nice finds in the files of a dedicated creative!

  3. Oooh, sounds delightful! One treasure leads to another... :)


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