Sunday, May 26, 2024

This writer’s mind: Tricia McGill

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Perhaps it’s strange how the minds of author’s work. Over the years I have been through numerous phases. The Vikings held my attention for a short time and thus Maddie and the Norseman was created and later on Powerful Destiny. I learnt so many facts about these warriors while researching for these books—finding that a lot of the facts previously known to me were at times myths. While writing I often feel closer to some of my heroes than others. My fascination with the Highlanders brought Travis of my Wild Heather series into my life. I have to say that of the many I have created he still remains perhaps a favourite. At certain times my stories were contemporary romances set in modern times but it wasn’t long before I was delving into the past again with my Australian Settlers series. Early on in my career I was advised to find one genre and stick to it if it works. This somehow didn’t sit well for me, for I like to change as I see fit at any particular time. Luckily it has worked for me.

In Book 1 of my Wild Heather Series we met Travis, The Laird of his clan. I couldn’t leave his story where it finished in that book, so it was a foregone conclusion that I had to let everyone know what happened to him after he was left behind in Scotland 1050 by Liz and Andrew, who would never have found a way back to their rightful home in the future if not for him. Also, Time-Travels like Historicals, as you can imagine demand reams of research about the people, their habits, and their day-to day lives so it is seldom you see a stand-alone Time-Travel or Historical. It would be foolish not to dally in that time period a while longer. I would love to own a time machine, but to be honest would ensure I could return to my nice cosy house with all its modern amenities.

In Book 2 Beth Anderson travels from Australia to the dilapidated castle in Scotland that is being refurbished by her friend Liz, who is now married to Andrew. Beth shares Liz’s passion for all things Celtic and like Liz is fluent in the ancient language. Her visit is potentially to help Liz and Andrew to renovate the castle. But, after Liz lets her in on their secret of how they travelled back in time and met Travis, the likeable rogue and Laird of his clan, Beth unwittingly stumbles on their method of time travel and finds herself back in the Scotland of 1051. The Travis she meets is a changed man, now set on revenge. His aim is to annihilate his enemies and he has no time in his world of bloodshed and violence to contend with another woman from the future. Find how Beth works her way beneath his veneer of anger and vengeance and finds a way to his heart.

“This is a wonderful book.  Tricia McGill is a wonderful writer. The heroine, Beth, is such a sweet character who is fully embraceable and the hero, also wonderfully written, is a man of honour all the way.  If you enjoy suspense, action and a great romance this is a must read.” Lisa at Romance Junkies

My next book is set in Australia’s past again, so it’s back to the researching. 


  1. I so enjoy reading well researched historical novels. Or any well researched novel. I love learning about other cultures and other worlds, while being engrossed in a story. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Sounds like a good one! Tricia tells great, engaging stories.


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