Saturday, June 1, 2024

BWL Publishing New Releases for June 2024


Releasing June 2024

Twice Hung

Book 10, Canadian Historical Mysteries - Prince Edward Island

Vanessa Hawkins

Ethel Arsenault's been hearing noises in her brother's house ever since she arrived from Summerside, but when he turns up dead, could the supernatural be to blame, or her sister-in-law Dolly who's been caught talking to herself when night falls?

Ethel isn't sure, nor is she happy when she's left alone to care for Ernest's estate. Was her brother the victim of sweet, little Dolly Arsenault, or is some other sinister force at work? The city of Charlottetown is quick to point the blame at Dolly, but now Ethel has been hearing things in the house...


 ... or is it just her imagination?




Sophie has no idea her life will change when she walks into the peculiar little shop on Wellington. After eating a cookie that glows, small figurines come to life and plead with her to save them from the evil gnome Glock. They claim he's stolen the shopkeeper's soul and are worried he'll come for them next. With her friend, Alisha, Sophie sets out to save the shop. But they'll only find the solution they need with the help of the worst boy in the class...


Click this link for Purchase Details





Click this link to Purchase Ravens on the Red Road

A Métis police liaison and two Métis elders hold a ceremony in the Vancouver Remand Centre that sets off alarm bells and becomes a prelude to a series of vicious and heartless crimes.

When an Indigenous girl is murdered and dumped in Stanley Park, fears of a witch hunt against the Indigenous community push homicide detective Mark Hanson to enlist the aid of Dez Pallaton and Martine LaChance from the Vancouver Friendship Centre. They’d assisted Mark before in unconventional ways to uncover truth hidden within their community. The truth in this case is disturbing and dangerous and Martine ends up the unwitting target of a psychopath.

The ink isn’t dry on the final report of the Stanley Park incident when Mark finds himself faced with an unthinkable crime connected to the escape of three potential killers from the Vancouver Remand Centre. This crime is so closely connected and devastating that the shaken homicide detective has no idea where to turn for help.

What do Phil and Wisdomkeeper see in their visions and will they be able to intercede with the Spirit World for help in stopping the desperate killers and preventing even more horrific murders.

Sixty years after the unicorns’ narrow escape from extinction, Azaria's Legacy has gone wrong. The new generation barely exists, hidden in the depths of the forest. Their cruel and ruthless leader, Icarus, threatens them daily with Jaresh, an invisible being capable of taking away their powers. Angry, the young colt Ulysees and his friend Téo rebel, following an old, abandoned trail where they’re discovered by humans. Now the entire herd must flee. But Ulysees learns there’s a far greater danger than humans when he meets a giant creature who warns him of impending doom…

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