Monday, June 3, 2024

One Take Jake by Jay Lang



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One Take Jake

             While outlining this rock and roll thriller, I experienced the strangest thing
The moment I began typing the first sentence, the characters sprang to life, guiding me through an incredible journey. I found myself struggling to keep pace with them, quickly jotting down the exciting scenes unfolding before my eyes.

The subject matter of sexual abuse within the music industry was undeniably grim. However, I felt a strong urge to address it after reading headline news about a musician charged with drugging and raping young girls. Despite knowing that certain aspects of this story would be difficult to confront, I believed it was crucial to shine a light into this dark corner and discuss the long-term effects on the victims of these horrendous crimes.

Much to my amazement, over a dozen high-profile musicians joined my story ad wrote compelling quotes in the book. Their determination to speak out on this issue was fueled by a deep-seated resentment toward the predators who used the music industry as a breeding ground for their crimes.  

Before writing this book, I had firsthand experience with celebrities and the music industry. Having worked as both an actress and a clothing designer for rock bands, I gained valuable insights into the entertainment industry. This prior experience greatly helped to authentically navigate the settings of this rock and roll story.
Among the many books I've written, "One Take Jake" stands out as the story that most closely mirrors my own character.
"One Take Jake" and its newly released sequel, "One Take Jake: Last Call," hold a special place in my heart. They're like my babies, and I love them deeply. If you are a thrill seeker and love a fast-paced murder mystery, I think you’ll enjoy these books.

Thanks for reading, Jay Lang

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for writing these books, Jay, and not flinching from the ugly truth. Even fiction authors can change the world, one book at a time.


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