Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Snake Oil by Jay Lang



Visit Jay Lang's BWL Author Page for Purchase Information

This suspense novel was challenging as if assembling a large puzzle with the pieces all one color, delving into themes of drugs, abuse, and the loss of innocence.

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But it was also a labor of love as the lead character, a university student, struggled to find her strength, (I love it when the protagonist is faced with adversity and instead of curling up in the fetal position, they choose to stand and fight.) A lot of the rhetoric in this book is displayed in a colloquial way, making the characters more relatable. I love to read a well written book, but if the dialogue is too uniform, too perfect, I have a tough time connecting with the characters.

While writing this novel, I was a university student and had access to all of the on campus sites that are mentioned in my story, adding an authenticity to my claims. I think the hardest part I encountered while writing was the drug parts. I’ve never done drugs so research was necessary. Thankfully, I was able to sus out credible resources online to educate myself. The local police department, a resource I use for info from time to time, were also very useful and provided interesting details about current drugs on the street. It’s amazing how informed one becomes after writing a lot of books. From speaking with law enforcement, forensics, fire investigators, coroners, and psychiatrists, I’ve learned so much on my writing journey.

As for the title, Snake Oil, I’ve always been partial to that name. In fact, I liked it so much that while I was designing clothes for rock musicians, I studded the words in antique studs down the leg of a pair of jeans. In this book, Snake Oil is the name of a designer drug. If you get a chance, pick up a copy of this book and please leave a review, I’d love to know your thoughts.

Thanks for reading!



  1. Yep, part of the fun in research is how much you learn. For me, the challenge is to avoid slowing the action with too many research details. Love the title, too. Snake Oil is just slimy enough to make your skin crawl. And if you don't mind, I'd like to mention that you look fabulous. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Snake oil, a product peddled by traveling salesmen, said tocure all ailments.


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