Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Partners in Crime

 Find me on the BWL site!


Writing can a lonely business. Book promotion need not be, if you have a partner in crime! I have partnered with many of my favorite fellow authors over the years.

Currently, I've teamed up several times with fellow BWL author Eileen O'Finlan, who lives in Western Massachusetts, driving distance from my Vermont home.

Together we:

*    Share the load on presentations-- half the work, 

      twice the fun!

*    Share expenses and driving on book tours

*    Advise each other  on writing and promotional         tips  that work

*   Go to conferences and enter awards contests           together. 

    (I'm happy to report that both of us have several winning books)

*   Are each other's biggest fans!

Lately we've found a link between our latest novels...the fascinating research we've encountered about New England witches and vampires. We developed presentations complete with projected power points and are taking it on the road throughout our area. Along the way we've had enthusiastic audiences and have even met a direct descendant of Salem witch trial victim Rebecca Nurse.

So, extend your friendship with fellow authors and put your wonderfully creative heads together. Find your partner in crime!

1 comment:

  1. Partnering with other authors is definitely a great way to approach promotion and live events. Glad to see this happening. Thanks for sharing. And you look gorgeous, as usual.


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