Thursday, October 17, 2024

Running Slow by Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Writing #Slow

 I'm working on a new series. The first book is called The horror Writer's Demise. This time the story writing is going slow. I've been working on it sonce I left the hospital four or five months ago. The rough draft is finally finished.

Rough drafts are interesting things. When looking it over, I realize most of it is dialogue so there is much to fill in. I always wonder if other people when writing rough drafts do the same thing and just put down mostly dialogue. Now I must go back and turn this into a book. Hopefully this will go quicker than the rough draft did. The process will start today where I describe settings, people and events taking place.

I realize once the revision process takes place this will become a real story. Now if I can find where I stored the cover.


  1. Often when I write I hear the characters talking in my head. So, yes, dialogue comes first for me, too. Thanks for sharing your process.

  2. I tend to be that way too and write mostly dialogue in the first draft to get the story and characters out, and then flesh with details on revision. Good luck with your next draft.

  3. Yes, filling in the background material is key to shaping what I call "word movies." Have fun with that Janet!


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