Saturday, October 26, 2024

The Painful Reality of Hitting a Creative Wall by Jay Lang

The Painful Reality of Hitting a Creative Wall

Hey there, fellow Authors! I hope you’re all doing great! I have a quick question for you.  Have you ever been sitting there, fingers poised over the keyboard, staring at a blank screen like it’s the most intimidating thing in the world. Writer’s block, am I right? It happens to the best of us, and trust me, you’re not alone. But don’t worry! I’ve got a few tips to help you break through that wall and get those creative juices flowing again.

First things first, take a breather. Seriously, sometimes stepping away for a bit can do wonders. Go for a walk, grab a coffee, or just chill out with some music. Let your mind wander. Often, inspiration hits when you’re not actively searching for it. You might find a spark just by observing the world around you.

Another great trick is to switch up your writing environment. If you always write at your desk, try heading to a café, a park, or even a cozy corner of your home. A new setting can offer fresh perspectives and ideas. Plus, a change of scenery might just shake loose that stubborn block.

Now, if you’re still stuck, try free writing. Set a timer for 10 minutes and just write whatever comes to mind—no edits, no judgments. It doesn’t even have to relate to your current project. Sometimes, the act of writing without restrictions can lead you right back to your story or spark new ideas.

You might also want to revisit your favorite books or shows for inspiration. What do you love about them? How do they handle similar themes or characters? Sometimes, diving into someone else’s world can ignite your own creativity.

Another approach is to talk it out, drive your spouse crazy! I do! Sometimes, just voicing what’s blocking you can help clarify your thoughts. Plus, they might have some killer ideas to help you push through, (This tip hasn’t worked for me yet.)

Finally, remember to be kind to yourself. Writer’s block is part of the creative process. It doesn’t mean you’re a bad writer; it just means you’re human. Give yourself permission to take your time. Sometimes, the best stories take a little longer to unfold.

So, next time you hit that block, try one of these tips, and remember: every writer faces this at some point. You’ve got this! Keep writing, and soon enough, that blank page will be filled with your amazing words.


Jay Lang


  1. I'm fortunate ince I've never suffered writer's block. For a few years while I worked as a nurse to put four children through school I didn't write but I stored many incidents that I witnessed both joyful and tragic. Your advice is good though. I've helped many writer friends through their bouts with writer's block.

    1. Janet, blessed by the writers' Gods, always has another idea!

  2. Sometimes you just have to wait them out. For me, as I'm usually writing historical stuff, just backing off and doing more research will trigger a flood of new ideas and approaches to the story.


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