Friday, November 15, 2024

Robie’s World – The Backdrop for Detective John Robichaud by H. Paul Doucette

Hello again,


            It recently occurred to me that there might be some of you who would like to know more about the city that has played such a prominent role in many of my stories; my hometown of Halifax.

            The city is one of the oldest in Canada and was founded by the British in the early seventeen century, primarily as a base for their naval operations and as a counter to the French fortification at Louisburg, in Cape Breton. It also became key location for the British, notably during the American Revolutionary War and during the following world wars.

            It quickly developed into a major seaport because of its natural deep ice free harbour and its  access to the Atlantic trade route with Europe.

            The city, like so many in Canada, is a product of converging influences from both French and English colonial interests in the past. However, it is the Halifax of the twentieth century where I have drawn my inspiration. When I took up the pen I wondered what I ought to write; what stories did I want to tell? It did not take long before I saw my direction. Here I was, living once again in the city of my birth; a city rife with history and character. This, combined with my love of history and mystery stories was to good to pass up.

            Halifax from the turn of the twentieth century has been a ‘navy’ town. It has been and remains, the seat of political power for the province and the financial center for trade and commerce. Throughout the fifties Halifax thrived as a major seaport for merchant shipping with several of the larger steamship lines maintaining offices here. In addition to this, there also the navy and a major fishing company with a fleet of ships based here. This meant that there was almost as many foreign seaman as naval personnel on the streets, all looking for a ‘good time’ which often led to, ‘incidents’ that kept the police busy.

            The city itself was not unlike similar cities portrayed by Hollywood during its film noir period: dark, dirty, menacing. There were bootleggers, gin houses, back room poker games, sex workers. Everything you would expect to find in a seaport sans the gunplay. A perfect backdrop for building a series of stories.

            As a writer, I relished this because of the wealth of story ideas across the spectrum of genres: romance, murder, mystery, military adventurism, political intrigue, whatever you can imagine. So began my first steps to becoming a novelist. I am also blessed because I had the good fortune to have travelled and lived throughout the world over the last fifty plus years which has contributed greatly to my life experience and overall understanding of humanity.

            I hope that you find the above of interest and will consider looking into your world. You may be surprised what is waiting there!



  1. Interesting post. I love the name, Halifax. Thanks for sharing its history. Definitely a good choice for a mystery series. Have a wonderful holiday season.

  2. When the fog rolls in thick and you're wandering those old streets, you can't help but to have mystery on the mind...


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