Thursday, January 16, 2025

A palace for Chuck. Chuck who? by J.C. Kavanagh

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Have you ever said 'never-have-I-ever?' Yes? No?

Well, I used to say that a lot. Until I met my partner, Ian. That's when all my 'never-have-I-ever' escapades/dreams shrank in number. One by one, they became reality.

If you had asked me 21 years ago, before I met Ian, these questions, this would have been my response:

Ever sailed? Never.

Ever publish a book? Never. How about three? Are you kidding?

Ever built a palace? Really?

Today I can tell you that I've been sailing for 21 years; that we're on our third sailboat, and through BWL, have published three award-winning books.

As to the question, 'Ever built a palace?' Well, that depends on what kind of palace.

Some background first. Last year, we purchased a property that's approximately one kilometre from Georgian Bay (read LAKE EFFECT SNOW). The home came with a phenomenal woodstove fireplace but alas, no shed to store firewood. What to do? 

Build one of course.

So we did our research and came up with a design that would delight the most fastidious wood stacker (that's me). For those who are new readers, I have to mention when Ian and I work on a project, we go "all in." Most people would call a wood shed, a, well, a wood shed. But no no no, not us. We have to design and build a structure that is fit for a king, or in this case, a Woodchuck King. Not a Beaver King, that just sounds wrong. But a palace for a woodchuck? Chuck's Palace? That sounds just right.

We started our project November 1 and finished the structure a month later. Just in time for a Georgian Bay winter :)

I could write an entire blog on the installation of the metal roof.

Then we had to stack two bush cords of hardwood (wood art), and design and build saloon-doors...
with the snow flying! 

The finishing touches...
Ian pointing to where the real 'Chuck's Palace' sign will eventually be hung.
Ian carved eyes and a mouth into the upper post 
using one of his favourite outdoor tools -  a chain saw.

More finishing touches... antique oil lanterns I restored.

Never-have-I-ever... chiseled. 
Chuck's double-sided sign in the making!

We're going to stain the sign and then paint the chiseled letters black. Thankfully, this part of the project can be completed inside!

If you're wondering about your own never-have-I-ever done that, well, consider what Jayden, Connor and Max went through. Never-did-they-ever dream they'd 'cross over' to a dream world, let alone an Un-World. Curious? Check out The Twisted Climb adventure-packed trilogy. You'll be gobsmacked (Yes, it's a real word. My Irish Mather, RIP, told me so.)

Until next time, stay well and don't forget to tell the ones you love that you love them :)

J.C. Kavanagh, author of
The Twisted Climb - A Bright Darkness (Book 3) Best YA Book FINALIST at Critters Readers Poll 2022
The Twisted Climb - Darkness Descends (Book 2) voted BEST Young Adult Book 2018, Critters Readers Poll and Best YA Book FINALIST at The Word Guild, Canada
The Twisted Climb,
voted BEST Young Adult Book 2016, P&E Readers Poll
Voted Best Local Author, Simcoe County, Ontario, 2021
Novels for teens, young adults and adults young-at-heart
Instagram @authorjckavanagh


  1. Quite an enterprise, and definitely deserving of the term palace. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks Vijaya. The end result exceeded our expectations :)


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