Saturday, January 4, 2025

Jitters by Julie Christen

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    I tend to be a Nervous Nelly. It doesn't take much to make my jaw clench or my tummy knot up. I have a special knack for predicting all the potential horrors in pretty much any situation. The What-ifs of my world know no bounds. Just ask my brain from 2:30 AM to about 4:30 AM.

    Case and point: two book signings in Bismarck, ND with Frank Kuntz and his family. 
  • What if my car breaks down and I arrive tragically late?
  • What if I realize three hours into the 7-hour trip that I brought the wrong box of books? Or worse, I forgot to bring ANY books?
  • What if my dinosaur iPhone 5 decides this is the weekend to finally kick the bucket and I can't take credit cards?
  • What if no one shows up? You know, like you used to imagine when you were little and had invited all sorts of kids to your birthday party.
  • And what if Frank doesn't have a great experience and never wants to do this again?

    As with 99.5% of my What-if scenarios, none of these things happened. In fact, it was quite the opposite! We could not have asked for a better day, from the family-filled Balancing Goat Coffee Shop experience to the busy, bustling Barnes and Noble extravaganza. We drew people in with our winning personalities ;) and our love for the Nokota horses. We signed books. We sold books (sold out even!).  We talked about books and stories and writing and struggling and living. 
    Jitters dissolved early on as we realized our best advertising technique was to be ourselves and let the people see who was really behind the story we peddled.
    We already have plans to do more events together, particularly this coming summer with Chasing Horses at their store right in Medora near the Theodore Roosevelt National Park. Who knows how that will go!?
    Oh jeez, here come the jitters again...




  1. Congrats on a successful marketing trip! Many more to come!!!

  2. What a wonderful experience. Thanks for sharing.

  3. It's always a delight to read about other authors' special and successful events. Good on you, Julie (and Frank!)


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