Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Blog: Sales/Promotion by Paul Doucette



            Hello everyone, here I am once again with another brief suggestion for all of you to consider.

            I have developed a ‘package’ which I have put together and mailed to all the Senior Residences in Nova Scotia. This includes an introduction to myself as an author (Bio); a listing of my titles and series; a general overview of my main characters in each series, and, a copy of all the covers for each book. I have also included an overview of BWL Publishing with attention to their various categories/genres.

            So far, I have received some positive feedback and, an invitation to read and/or set up a displayed of the books for sale. Jude has been most helpful in providing parts of this information.

            This may be something you may want to consider doing in an effort to advance your name and work. It need not be seniors; it could be schools, book clubs (I know that Chapters has a book reading club here at their Dartmouth location). For those of you whose work falls into the historical fiction genre, I can tell you that most every senior’s residence I have spoken with has indicated that their residents favour this genre.

            Anyway, that is all I have to offer at this time. I will be posting again in the future. Good luck and good sales.

            H Paul Doucette

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