Friday, February 14, 2025

Well, I did it. It's done. I got my book published. by Tobias Robbins



Available now at your favorite digital store!

And in Print from Amazon - Barnes & Noble - Ingram

Well, I did it. It's done. I got my book published. 


I am honestly still in a state of shock about it, like it isn't real yet. 


You spend just about every day for the past handful of years thinking about something then suddenly it's just finished. It feels weird. I can't escape the feeling that I'm forgetting to do something, but nope, there is nothing to work on, no revisions, no plot problems to solve, and no formatting. It's similar to when you work several long shifts at your job all in a row then you get a day off and wander around in a stooper looking for something to do. Free time is a new sensation. 


I am grateful though. So many people helped me get here and I owe them big time. Everything good in my life is the product of the assistance I was lucky enough to get from other people. It's not really my success, it's more like "our" success. Now to help make their efforts worth it, I want to push the book as much as possible. 


In case you haven't heard, my book is a sci-fi/fantasy, geo-political drama, telling interconnecting stories through a variety collection of ancient documents that span the full history of their lost civilization. 


And if that is up your alley it’s now available in ebook format. 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the new release, Tobias. Writing, finishing and getting a book published is hard work, and you did it. Wishing you the very best with it.


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