Elizabeth loves her job at the Manitoba Legislature building in
Winnipeg, Manitoba. However, being marooned at work on the eve of the winter
solstice due to a blizzard was not on her list of holiday events. The
legislature building is full of mysterious symbols, hidden in plain sight. From
the Bison to the Pool of the Black Star, there is more to the symbols than
Elizabeth ever imagined. To her surprise she encounters another soul in the
building with her. A mysterious man who says his name is Septimus. Together
they must thwart a once every hundred year threat to the honesty and morality
of those who pass through the doors of the legislature. Sacred Geometry, sacred
numbers and a message only the Sphynx on the roof can supply.
Editorial Review, JD Shipton
Behind the seemingly banal stone colonnades, walls,
and statues of what would normally be considered one of the least exciting
buildings in town (The Manitoba Legislature), lie centuries of tradition, ages
of myth and legend, and a very animated cast of specters, ghouls, and demigods.
How would you react if you happened upon such a cast after work in a
building you thought you knew? This book is a reminder that what we might
perceive at the surface often gives us but a shallow reflection of what really
watch goes missing from a changeroom at a gym – an expensive watch with a loud,
arrogant owner. The theft connects three yogis in a way full lotus never could.
As the search for a thief unfolds, so do seemingly unrelated questions. Why
does Lexie have such an intense interest in a much-younger trainer at the gym?
Who is the unnamed, unknown man who keeps leaving Charlene messages? Why does
no one know Woo Woo lives in a mansion?
Bind is like coming home to a steaming bowl of tomato soup on a cold
winter day. Comfortable and delicious. Like a perfect downward dog.
Review – Nancy M. Bell
Bind 5 Stars
do an eclectic group of women, a yoga studio and a missing watch have in
common? You'll have to read Bind to find out.
Bind refers to form of yoga torture apparently where participants hold
contorted poses. Who knew? Moulton weaves an interesting and comical mystery
with lots of intrigue and twists. Throw in a cute detective and voila! A great read either for the beach or a snowy
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