Saturday, March 15, 2025

Greetings from beautiful downtown 2025! by Lance Chalmers

Really? 2025? Why does it feel like New Year’s Eve was ages ago, and yet it takes no time at all for the next one to arrive?

I’ve tried to begin 2025 by making professional progress with my musical endeavors. My dear, departed dad was against changing for the sake of change, but I promised myself I’d always embrace changes in technology and the challenges that come with it.

Restoring a snowblower is a very linear process. I rather enjoyed it. It distracts from the frustrations associated with the new software and hardware issues I’m facing. I downgraded my hardware to use older systems, solely for the purpose of studio stability.

But the downside? When you invest in new software, your older hardware often can’t handle the demands of the new programs. Nothing new to any of my peers, of course. There’s just a lack of smiles when lamenting the necessary upgrades to coordinate said software and hardware.

I’ve reluctantly had to gather resources to acquire new hardware. My acoustic drums will remain the same, with their present steam-powered, coal-burning recording format.

The new program and hardware will be used specifically for the ever-changing and dominating digital realm of drumming. I’ve built a tower with a desk that rises up and out of the top of the tower to harness lightning. Franken-lance. I’ve only got to get one more piece to the puzzle. Once I do, I’ll be able to send MIDI info all over the world to clients and friends. Who has time to mix real acoustic drums? (Well, of course, I do.)

My services will be in line with current changes in recording and songwriting before my next celebration of my arrival on Earth. My advice? Don’t listen to advice. Keep on pushing. Straight ahead. Where are my reading glasses? I can’t see how small the notes are now.

Stay tuned for an upgraded EPK, everyone!

Goodbye for now,
Lance “Frankenstein” Chalmers, AKA Digital Man.



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