We’ve all had those days where we’ve sat down at the keyboard and – nothing. Writer’s block has dug in its nasty claws and no matter how hard we try to get something going, we sit staring uselessly at a vacant screen until admitting defeat and getting up to do laundry. I recently had such a bout with my current work in progress, Leah’s Surrender, Book Two of The Ladies of Harrington House series. Turns out my heroine, Lady Leah Harrington did not have a goal of her own. It’s pretty hard to write an engaging story about a spirited heroine when all the other characters push her around!
However, what about those other days? The ones where we sit down and the word magic takes over and we become lost in the zone? That’s what happened to me with Sophie’s Choice. Sophie had her story to tell and the words literally flew from my fingers. It’s the fastest I’ve ever written a book – just over four months. (You can find Sophie's Choice at your favourite online store HERE.)
Okay, other than the obvious – words on the page – what are the other ways we can tell we’ve had a good day writing? With a nod and a wink to David Letterman, the ten top ways to know you’ve had a good day writing are:
10. You go for a walk at 3 in the afternoon and realize you haven’t combed your hair yet. And then realize it’s windy and no one can see it, anyway.
9. You emerge from your cave and your husband, after taking one look at your blank face, says, “Hon, instead of you cooking, why don’t we go out for dinner?”
8. Your written world has become more real than this one for a moment or two and when someone asks, “What did you do today?” , you can honestly say “I was on a Royal Navy frigate on the Atlantic Ocean that was on the verge of sinking during a winter storm.” Spoiler alert – yes, that is a scene in Leah’s Surrender.
7. You take a break from writing for a minute and discover a 5 star review on Amazon for your latest release. (Thank you Theresa for the awesome review of Sophie’s Choice!)
6. Your publisher emails with words of encouragement while you’re working on a difficult scene, leaving you with the fire in your belly to prove her right for signing you and darn it, you will conquer that scene. And you do.
5. Your husband knocks on the office door and asks, “Honey, are you still alive?”
4. You’re writing on a legal tablet in the bath, the water’s turned cold and your significant other knocks on the door to ask if you’ve drowned.
3. Your dog puts a guilt trip on you and you realize that it’s gone 6:00 p.m. and you’re still in your pj’s and slippers with a half full cup of cold coffee.
2. Your kids call you from their cell phone and say, “Mom, can you stop writing for a minute and pick us up? We’re the last ones here.”
And the number one way to know you’ve had a good day writing?
1. You type the words “The End” on your current work in progress!
All my books are available through BWL Publishing HERE.