Showing posts with label #TheTwistedClimb #DarknessDescends #aBrightDarkness #SnowyWinter #SpringIsComingMaybe #ChucksPalace #GreatLakes #BestYoungAdultBook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #TheTwistedClimb #DarknessDescends #aBrightDarkness #SnowyWinter #SpringIsComingMaybe #ChucksPalace #GreatLakes #BestYoungAdultBook. Show all posts

Sunday, March 16, 2025

The ambitious male chirp, by J.C. Kavanagh

To purchase your copy of the award-winning Twisted Climb series, 
click here:

Last month, I wrote about the cold, the snow, and the ice coverage on the Great Lakes of North America. Here in Central Ontario, we've survived (suffered?) three major snow events since then. I honestly thought this winter and the abundant snowfall would never end.

But it appears the end is in sight.

A month ago, the great lakes were covered in 23% ice, and later in February, the ice peaked at 52%. Since then, warmer temperatures have melted the snow and ice, and today, the lakes have an average of 17% ice coverage (all National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) statistics).

What a difference 10 years make!
National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration diagrams (above and below) display the
maximum ice coverage for the Great Lakes in 2014,
where the 'palest' colour denotes 100% coverage, 
and 'black' is 0% ice,
compared to now (see below)...

... ice coverage in the Great Lakes as of March 11, 2025. 
Note that in this diagram, the 'light blue' colour is zero % ice coverage,
and 'black' is 100% ice coverage. 

We in central Ontario have the snow!
A 'top hat' on the roof of our bird feeder :)

It sure doesn't look like spring, but...

Today, I heard a red-winged black bird sing its unique song, and across the road, an ambitious male cardinal chirping his best mating call. A call this 'ambitious' as we still have about a metre of snow on the ground (that's three feet for my American readers). The first pair of Canadian geese flew overhead yesterday, travelling north. The cheeky squirrels are now out in droves, though the red squirrels have been out-and-about the base of our bird feeder all winter. I do see signs of budding in the trees and the snow is slowly but surely melting off our roof.

And, big news... we completed the "Chuck's Palace" sign! 

Probably the finest wood shed E V E R :)
Fit to be named "Chuck's Palace."

I must admit something though. I really do love winter. And snow. And even the cold. And something else... a snowy, cold winter makes me truly grateful for Spring.

I'm also very grateful for the readers who have supported The Twisted Climb series - making it an award-winning trilogy. The adventures and drama blend into an action-packed read for teens, young adults and adults-young-at-heart.

Stay safe and don't forget to tell the ones you love that you love them.

J.C. Kavanagh, author of
The Twisted Climb - A Bright Darkness (Book 3) Best YA Book FINALIST at Critters Readers Poll 2022
The Twisted Climb - Darkness Descends (Book 2) voted BEST Young Adult Book 2018, Critters Readers Poll and Best YA Book FINALIST at The Word Guild, Canada
The Twisted Climb,
voted BEST Young Adult Book 2016, P&E Readers Poll
Voted Best Local Author, Simcoe County, Ontario, 2021
Novels for teens, young adults and adults young-at-heart
Instagram @authorjckavanagh

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