Last month was Women's History month (we only get one month?)
Women have been fighting for equal treatment for centuries. And education, learning to read, was one of their desires.
At the beginning of the eighteenth century, many women, especially the poor, could not read. It was viewed as a waste of time to teach them when they were to be child-bearers and house keepers. Women were taught to be useful, sewing, cooking, etc.
The richer girls were taught to embroider to beautify their husband's home.
Men handled the complicated contracts, leases, government business. Reading as a leisure activity was unheard of, even for men.
the 1500’s and the mid-eighteenth century, male literacy grew from ten to sixty
per cent. Women, with less opportunity, lagged behind, ranging from one to
forty percent, but still an improvement. Female literacy grew the fastest in
London, probably with the rise of the merchant class.
As literacy grew so did the desire for books. A spurt in
publishing started in the late seventeenth century.
Books had been rare, usually of a religious bent. Cookery
books were found in many households. Sermons and poetry were the most widely
published literary forms. History books were national or Eurocentric.
In the eighteenth century a new phenomenon, the populace wanted to read for pleasure.
Books became widely available from lending libraries,
booksellers, and peddlers: abbreviated versions of Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe and Moll
Flanders, or Henry Fielding’s Joseph
Andrews and Tom Jones.
Periodicals, such as the Gentleman’s
Magazine, advertised what new novels were available to order and purchase from
the booksellers.
The large circulating libraries offered places where patrons
could browse, gossip, flirt, or actually read a book. Novels and romances were
the most checked-out. History remained popular.
Library at Margate |
The fee of three shillings a quarter kept out the poorer
people, but libraries were still a bargain because books weren’t cheap.
Unfortunately, libraries earned the reputation as places
full of fictional pap for rich ladies with nothing better to do. Men remained
the majority subscribers, visiting to read or discuss religious and political
Church libraries offered books to the poorer, though not the
Coffee houses maintained collections of books, to be read on
the premises. Any man, merchant or laborer, could wander in, order punch, and
read a newspaper—a sign of English liberty.
Even the illiterate were encouraged to buy books so their
more literate friends could read to them.
In 1650 few country houses had a room set aside for books
and reading, while in the late eighteenth century a house without a library was
With this wider reading public, more women authors and romantic writers
emerged, such as Fanny Burney and Ann Radcliffe. Women read critically to lift
the mind from
sensation to intellect
as well as men.
Fanny Burney |
Everyone profited from increased literacy, education and the
availability of the written word. Why teach women to read? Because, as earlier thought, their minds are not feebler than men's
Source: The Pleasures
of the Imagination, by John Brewer, 1997
For a heroine who does far more than read, she decodes ancient Greek during the American Revolution, check out my historical novel,
Her Vanquished Land.
Her Vanquished Land and my other novels at
For more info on me and my books, check out my website:
Diane Scott Lewis lives in Western Pennsylvania with her husband and one naughty puppy.