Showing posts with label Meteorites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meteorites. Show all posts

Monday, February 4, 2019

A Question of Salt by Katherine Pym


Our Earth from Space

I am not a conspiracy theorist but I wonder if our earth has had more incarnations than previously thought. 

Our earth has vast, salty oceans, but what if, when earth had formed and cooled long before the dinosaurs, the oceans were Not salty? What if infant earth had not been saturated with this chemical compound? 

Perhaps, an intelligent species had settled on what is now called Pangaea more than 335 million years ago, and did not require salt to live. 

I put it before you there were other, long ago, well-formed civilizations that had prospered on this earth. There may be past civilization remnants no one will ever see due to massive changes in the environment and our landmasses. Our earth is always moving due to shifts in the tectonic plates, meteorites smashing into our oceans, and volcanoes. 

What if the advanced civilizations prior to the dinosaurs did not require salt to live? Why is science so biased this could never have happened? Because if you don’t see evidence of this, facts and hard data, it could not have been. 

Science realizes now mankind has been around a lot longer than previously thought. Buried cities are being unearthed, one of the most intriguing in Turkey today known as Göbekli Tepe. 7,000 years older than expected (and older than Egypt’s Early Dynastic Period by 8850 years), the city had been buried by its occupants. Why?

Göbekli Tepe dig
When did salt fill the oceans? Was it always there or did something happen that the chemical compound spread its crystal tentacles across the planet, sank into its oceans and penetrated deep in the land? God knows the earth has undergone massive changes over the eons. Maybe, salt came to us from outer space through an asteroid of something. What if the meteorite that killed the dinosaurs was saturated with salt and changed the earth’s entire chemical makeup?

Whatever, we require salt to live but if we ingest too much, it will kill us. Dilemma!

Ancient man learned to barter salt for revenue, goods and services. They learned to preserve food with it, live their lives around it. The Chinese discovered gunpowder trying to dig for salt. Kingdoms were built and destroyed over salt. 

Salt Mine (a nice one)

 A gift from the gods, strange beliefs survive from its importance, i.e., during the Medieval era, women salted their husbands’ genitals to make them more potent. Today, we throw salt over our shoulders. We salt our fish and make pickles with it

We are salt.
But have we always been?


Many thanks to: My thoughts and conjecture,
Salt by Mark Kurlansky, published by Penguin 2002
And Wikicommons, public domain

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