How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways. Oh wait, this blog is about writing, not love.
Although in a way it is about love. I love writing. I’m sure
most authors will say the same thing. At least serious authors will.
We can’t stop writing any more than
we can stop breathing. So every chance we get, we write. Sometimes it’s
profitable. Other times it’s not. Many people think writers are rich, or at
least get paid a lot.
We write because these voices in our heads insist on it.
Because our minds are constantly making up stories. We see things differently
than other people. While most people stop at a traffic light and just wait for
the light to change, writers look around to see who’s in the
car next to them. And they can’t
help it, their imagination takes over and next thing you know they’re making up
a story. Same thing happens in shopping malls, restaurants, banks, or grocery stores. Our minds are never still.
Sometimes an article on the news sparks a story idea. Many
things come into play when writing a story. I’ve had heroes/heroines pop off
the pages of magazines. An overheard comment inspired a story idea. Once an
idea pops into my mind, that’s all it takes. My mind goes into overtime and
next thing I know I’m jotting down ideas.
The only thing I know about the story is the beginning and
the end. How I get there is as much a surprise to me as it is to the reader. Many
authors outline their stories. I tried that once and the story was stalled for
two years. For me the story flows better if I let it go on its own. Everyone has
their own way of doing things, their own voice, their own way to write and that’s
fine. There are very few rules in writing.
The one thing that remains the same is writers love to
write. So I guess you could say this
blog was about love after all.
You can find all my books at You can find all my work at: Books We Love or Amazon.