Showing posts with label demise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label demise. Show all posts

Friday, January 17, 2025

January's Blues by Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #January #Blues #Weather


January has arrived with cold weather. This isn't my favorite time of the year these days. But I'll manage to get into better weather. As a child, I loved winter, especially the marvelous snow storms. Winters these days seldom bring more than snow dusting. Enough complaints about the weather.

January brings a new year and new ideas. Hoping to finish the book I've been working on for months. The main problem is the writing was interrupted by two hospital stays and both times helped me lost the gist of the story. I'm on track now and hopefully by the end of the month the story will be ready to set off. The Horror Writer's Demise is the start of a new series. The second book is starting to gel. Title hopefully is the Historical Writer's Snuff Boxes.  Looking forward to writing this but not for a time but there is a medical romance perking and partially planned.

Looks like next year will be a writing one. In my old files, I found a draft of a story I don't remember when I write it. A post Civil war historical. I want to look it over and see if it can be saved. There's also a Regency Historical with a plan that could be written. I'll see what happens there.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Holidays on the Horizon by Janet Lane Walters @BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Holidays #Stockings #Christmas #Horror Writer's Demise

 Another month has arrived. At present I'm busily working on a new book in a new Series The Writer's House. In the area where I live, there was and still may be a house that rented space to various membrs of the Arts community. This new series takes place in a house where the authors can find a space to write and not be bothered by family and other diversions.

Valentina Hartley is the heroine. She is new to town and goes to an evening lecture on Ideas for Writing Your Book. When the lecture is finished, Val who does research at present for college professors leaves to find the foyer, porch and parking lot lights out. She stumbles over the body of a dead man. His throat has been slit. She is helped to stand by her new friend who has a half house she can rent to bring her son and mother to town. At present she is living in a warehouse her business partner has rented.

Kyle Bradley a detective on the local police force is a widower. His sister, Dana has given up her position as a nurse to care for his son following the boy's mother's death. The dead man is a mystery. Fairly new to town, he has taken the horror writing community by storm, His origins are mysterious.

Thus the story begins and hopefully will be solved. But can the murderer be caught?

How do the holidays fit in. They are there since I need to have the book to my publisher before Christmas. The holidays will be busy this year.

I;ve started buying for Christmas Stockings. This year I have seventeen to do. They must be started early since many of them must be sent to children and grandchildren at a distance. Six to Florida and 2 to Georgia. The rest are rather local which is nice. Except  five must be done before they leave on their cruise.  I really enjoy doing the stockings and finding unusual things they might use. Pens are always put into them and I ave new ones with myname on them for this year. I also give them socks to wear. One year I decided not to do the socks but I got calls in protest so now they receive their socks.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Writing Gone Astray by Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #writing #Thinking


I'm working on a new book The Horror Writer's Demise and halfway through, I discovered a problem. Not with the writing but what I forgot. This is a mystery with a budding romance built into the first of the stories. The heroine and hero will begin noticing each other. The problem came when I realized I'd become so involved with the murder, I forgot the romance. I'm more than halfway done with the book but I'm going back and finding places to focus on what will be a growing relationship.

Was it age or was having the mystery explored that caused the problem? I'm not sure but back to the beginning I go. Then I will start the Regency story I began probably 20 years or more ago. Thi story was put aside when I was taking courses to finish my BA in Nursing. I found this and several other starting outlines for other stories when sorting out my file cabinet. So now it's off and running with romance on my mind.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Writing - Choosing a Plot by Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Plot #Mystery #Horror writer #Demise #romance


Back to my way of writing.  When I begin, I decide what kind of book I plan to write. This time, I wanted to start a new mystery series and several things were buzzing in my thoughts. I decided rather than a straight mystery, I wanted this series to have a developing romance along with the mystery. Then came the idea for the first one in this series. I needed a title before I began.

I'm funny this way, but I need to have a title before I can begin the book. I knew the dead man was a horror writer. A number of titles flashed in my thoughts. Finally I decided on the Horror Writer's Demise. Not sure why that stuck in my head. Then the planning for the book began. 

Setting became the Hudson Valley and one of the places there was a house that had been turned into a place where writers and other people involved with the arts couldrent a space where they could write. There once was such a place not far from where I live. Not sure if it still exists.

Te Characters came next - Not all of the but they will either increase of combined in versions of the story. The heroine is Valentina Heartley. With a name like that she thinks she should writea romance, especially since there have been no good ones in her life. She does research for professors, attorneys and authors. Her interest is Dane Grant, a local detective and widower. Theyboth have five year old sons. She has a mother who helps her and he has a sister.

What happens next will be my taking these two characters and writing a synopsis of the story. For good or not, I organize my stories completely. At present there are a few questions I need to answer before I can start writing.

That's how I work and the system has evolved over the years since 1968 when I soldmy first story.

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