Showing posts with label detective. Show all posts
Showing posts with label detective. Show all posts

Monday, June 17, 2024

New Series - mystery and romance combined by Janet Lane Walters #The Writer's House


This cover is the Writer's House where a number of writers rent a work room and also congregate. They are giving a seminar on writing a book for a new writer. Valentina Hartley or Val decides to take the course. She  is new to town and is looking for an apartment or house for her mother and five-year-old son in Rockleigh where she now resides with her partner in their business We Research. Val goes to the seminar at the Writer's House where she meets Dana Bradley who interest her in a half house her brother rents. When the talk and questions end, Val leaves since she starts the research early each morning. She discovers the lights for the porch and parking lot are out and calls for help. Believing she remembers the porch, she starts out. The lights come on startling her and she trips. She discovers the obstacle is a dead man and she screams. Val almost appears guilty. She is newly come to town but she swears she has never seen the man before.

For Kyle Bradley, the corpse becomes a puzzle. He has a SS number but no other information other than a computer, manuscripts for three books he's written. Is he in witness protection? When Kyle and his partner investigate, they learn though he had the number, it wasn't for him. They are faced with a puzzle. al has an idea that may help. Will it. By working together and being neighbors, the pair become friends.

At present, there are two other ideas for this series bouncing in my head. The History Writer's Snuff Boxes and the Erotic Writer's Nightgowns. Hopefully more stories will come as I work.

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