Showing posts with label hemorrhagic shock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hemorrhagic shock. Show all posts

Thursday, April 8, 2021

What happens to your body after you get stabbed? by J. S. Marlo



The answer to  "What happens if you get stabbed?" is NOT necessarily "You die!"


Most stabbings aren’t fatal, and with proper care, over time your wounds will heal, but interesting things happen to your body after you get stabbed.


First of all, due to the inevitable blood loss, your circulatory system may struggle to work properly, resulting in a lack of oxygen to important organs like the heart and brain.


When you lose one-fifth or more of your body’s blood supply, you will experience a condition known as hypovolemic or hemorrhagic shock. This causes a whole bunch of unpleasant symptoms.


-- Your body stops circulation to the skin making it pale, cold, and clammy.

-- Your heart will speed up in an attempt to pull in blood and oxygen, which pulls it away from the stomach, making you feel thirsty or sick.

-- And as your brain continues to lack insufficient oxygen, you may begin to feel dizzy or confused.


Hypovolemic shock can lead to hypothermia, organ damage, heart attack, gangrene, and death. However, your outcome will vary largely depending on how much blood you lose, how fast you lose it, and where you were injured.


For example, a stab wound in a major artery or vein will cause you to lose blood very fast. In just 3 or 4 minutes, you could lose 40% of your blood volume. Losing any more than that is considered fatal.


Treatment of stab wounds begins with the application of pressure to the wound. This is to stop or lessen the amount of blood loss. Then call the emergency number in your country (911, 112...) and get to a hospital where a doctor will determine how severe your injury is and whether it requires surgery.


And this was another segment of "What happens to your body after an unpleasant event."

Happy Reading & Stay Safe





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