Saturday, April 20, 2013



(Previously published in The Writer Magazine)

Where I write in pleasant weather.  A variation on 'A Room of One's Own'

Like you, I started out as a story 'listener'. Both my parents were avid storytellers, and I needed only to hear the words, "I remember the time when..." to feel that rare and exquisite pleasure in the anticipation of a new story. The dark, scary ones were best - stories my father told of the man with the cloven foot who showed up at the card game, or the discovery of a young girl's body in the woods behind the school ... the town drunk found dead in the cemetery, his face as granite-white with frost as the tombstones surrounding him...

From the time I could find my way to the Saint John Library, I was a constant visitor. For me, the library was a magical place - a hushed, warm haven where, through the pages of a book I could travel to far off exotic places in my imagination. I could experience vicariously all the joy, romance, terror, tragedy and triumph of the characters in the stories.

Among my favorite authors were Mark Twain, Edgar Allan Poe, Charlotte Bronte, Shirley Jackson and Phyllis Whitney. Far too many to list here. I am forever grateful to them all, for it was through reading their works that the seed to be a writer was planted in me. I wanted to join the ranks of those authors who had given me so much pleasure, and in turn tell my own stories. I had learned about the power of words.

Reading is, of course, where it all begins for all writers. Although it might surprise you to know that a number of aspiring writers have told me they didn't have time to read. Or that they didn't read because they wanted everything in their own work to be totally original. Sadly, I don't expect to read much of their work in published form. So the first key to publication is to Read! Read! Read! Nothing you didn't already know. But it's true; we learn by osmosis. And we learn by doing.

When I first set pen to paper with thought of publication, I didn't know bad literature from good. I devoured it all, and learned from it all. I came across the True Confessions in the market section of a copy of Writer's Digest Magazine, and it seemed possible to me that I could write one. I was right. That first story was titled: I Didn't Kill My Husband, But I Might As Well Have. Pretty bad, I know. But looking at the models on the page portraying the characters in my story, not to mention my cheque for $125.00, I felt like I'd won the lottery. The only downside was that my name wasn't on my story. You don't get a bi-line from the confessions. The stories are supposed to be true. Or at least read like they're true. Everyone I wrote sold. I seemed to have a knack. But I never approached the writing of these little stories lightly, or with tongue in cheek; I always wrote from my heart, in all seriousness. When I could no longer do that, I stopped writing them.

My children were small then, three under six years of age, and I was squeezing in writing time when I could find it. Usually, in the evenings after they were in bed. (Ah, to be so young again! ) Later, I wrote while holding down a full-time job. You do what you have to do. John Grisham rose at 4:00 a.m. to get in his stint of writing before going off to his law office. 

My second story, God's Special Gift, made the rounds for a time and finally sold to Home Life magazine in Nashville. It was about my grandmother, who died in a house fire when I was 15. Writing that story, albeit many years later, was very cathartic for me. And I got a bi-line. My work soon found its way into the now defunct, (unfortunate, because it was a fine magazine) Atlantic Advocate, both fiction and non-fiction, and various other magazines and newspapers. 

Pregnant with my fourth child, I determined to pursue my lifelong dream of writing a novel. That summer, I sat on our back deck and read a stack of suspense novels of the sort I wanted to write. I reread Poe, Patricia Highsmith, Shirley Jackson and many of the new authors who were also becoming my favorites. In the fall, I began writing my own suspense novel, The Strawman. (Later Zebra Books would change the title to Listen to the Shadows.) I wrote it at our kitchen table in longhand, and the book took a long time to write. I worked on it off and on over a period of maybe four years. 

Finally the novel was finished. I'd already gone through my Writer's Market, as well as checking out the books on the shelves of our local bookstore, and Zebra seemed right for The Strawman. I sent it off. It came flying back within a few weeks, but the attached slip of paper wasn't quite a rejection. Anne Lafarge, acquisitions editor at the time, had scribbled a note saying she liked the book, but it was too short. They needed 100,000 words; mine was about 75,000 words. 

 I settled down to work. It took another four months to add the other 25,000 words, which I did by weaving in a couple of subplots. In November I sent the manuscript off again, addressing it to Anne LaFarge. On the outside of the package, in bold black marker, I printed: Requested Material, just in case she forgot me, which I'm sure she did. 

One day in February the phone rang. I knew intuitively that it was Zebra. They wanted to publish The Strawman. When my husband came home that night I was at the stove cooking spaghetti. He took one look at my face, and said, "You sold your book." 

It was a dream come true. I felt weepy and humbled. And very happy.
Nowhere To Hide later received an Eppie Award for best thriller. After that Chill Waters received the Blood Dagger Award.  I was very happy.

End of story? Hardly. I completed and sent out the third manuscript and it was returned. I was told Zebra was no longer publishing suspense. At least the kind of psychological suspense I like to write. And I'm convinced you should only write what you really want to write. Otherwise, it's just too damn hard. The moral of the story: You're never there. (Unless you're Stephen King, but he's a genius.) 

Back to square one? Well, not quite. What I have now is a track record. Publishers tended to give my work a longer look before they turn it down.
This is a precarious business, with no guarantees for any of us. So you must love the actual process of writing. In the end, the only thing we have any control over is the writing itself. It takes courage to be a writer, to put our work (ourselves) out there, never knowing if it will be praised or ridiculed. We must rise above the fear, and do what we know we can when all cylinders are firing. 

So give that critical editor on your shoulder the bum's rush (He gets called in for work later.) and write your novel. Enjoy the writing; give yourself to it like a lover. Get out of your own way by focusing on the characters and their story. And know that you are not alone. All around the globe, at this very moment, writers are sitting at kitchen tables with pen and paper, or at their computers, struggling to write their own novels. 

Lastly, no matter your genre, be it romance, mystery, horror or science fiction, go where the passion, the pain, is. Write with joy! And believe in yourself. No one can tell your stories but you. No one. And if you need a little inspiration, check out the books on my site.
I’ve written five suspense novels to this point in my career, the new one on the way. All are published by a wonderful Canadian publisher Books We Love Ltd, all available at , Barnes and Noble and various other online publishers, in both paperback and ebook.

Happy Reading~ 
Joan Hall Hovey

Books by Joan Hall Hovey

I Hitched a Ride into Hell (Teen/YA novelette)
The Abduction of Mary Rose
Night Corridor
Chill Waters
Nowhere To Hide
Listen to the Shadows

Friday, April 19, 2013

A Few Lines From. . .Vijaya Schartz

A few lines from SNATCHED

By Vijaya Schartz

There, in the bright light, walked a tall muscular man, young, his long blond hair framing a tan face with icy gray eyes... The visage of Adonis on Hercules’ body.

Zania’s gaze roamed over the regular lines of his jaw, the full, sensual lips, dimpled chin, down the expanse of his hairless pectorals, and stopped on the leather cod piece embossed with Tor’s hammer. That’s all he wore. So, he was a Viking.
Find out more about Vijaya’s books at:
Make sure to visit again for a few lines from Sydell Voeller, the week of April 26.

Friday, April 12, 2013

A Few Lines From. . . Roseanne Dowell

Here's a few lines from Roseanne Dowell's Deadbeat Dads

Does everyone start married life with rose colored glasses? I'm sure no one thinks their marriage will end in divorce. I certainly didn't. Mine was the perfect love, the perfect marriage. I was going to have the perfect life, and it was an absolutely perfect day for a wedding. The sun streamed through the window as I walked down the aisle on my father’s arm. Johnny looked so handsome standing at the altar waiting for me.  

Deadbeat Dads by Roseanne Dowell
Available from: 
Find Roseanne's other titles at:
Come back next week to read a few lines from Vijaya Schartz.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Catch the Magic! by Shirley Martin

"Enchanted Cottage" by Shirley Martin 
Book 3 of the Avador series

"An evil witch places a curse on Alana Cullain, turning the once beautiful woman into an ugly hag.  Chased from her village, Alana seeks sanctuary in the dark forest. There, she finds a strange cottage, once she'd never seen before, and makes her home there.

Demoted and badly wounded in battle, mercenary soldier Colin Duffrey heads home to recover. Along the way, he finds a cottage in the midst of the forest and finds refuge there.

A woman, marred on the outside, and a man, afflicted on the inside, meet in an isolated cottage. There, they learn that they can help each other. And with a bit of magic, miracles can happen."


    Fantasy romances are fun to write. You can let your imagination run free, unhobbled by earthly limitations of time and space. As with writing any novel, it's a good idea to begin with the question: what if?  In writing my fantasy romance, I wondered what if an innocent young woman is accused of dark sorcery and chased from her village.

    An evil witch, jealous of Alana Cullain's beauty, places a curse on her, turning the once beautiful woman into an ugly hag. At the same time, Morag, the evil witch, casts a wicked spell over many villagers, afflicting them with a fatal disease.  Morag blames Alana, her face now covered with purple blemishes, for the deaths.

    The people chase Alana from the village. With nowhere to go and no one to turn to, Alana seeks sanctuary in the dark forest. There she finds a strange isolated cottage and makes her home there. She's determined to make a life for herself, even if she must suffer solitude for the rest of her days.

    What's a romance without a hero? Enter Colin Duffrey, a mercenary soldier, demoted and badly wounded in battle. Heading home to recover from his injury, he takes a shortcut through the woods and finds a secluded cottage there.

    What will happen when a handsome soldier meets an ugly hag? Can they find happiness together?  

Excerpt from "Enchanted Cottage"

    Tomorrow would be the last day she'd see him. How it hurt, how she would miss him, this man who had become part of her life in such a short time. Memories of Colin came in a rush, of the first day she'd met him, of taking care of him through his feverish illness, and the fear that he might lose his arm. She recalled his smile, his husky voice, everything about him that made her realize how much he meant to her.

    She held the door open for him, and he came inside, carrying the tack and saddle. "Soon we won't have any room for us," he said with a laugh, setting the tack and saddle by his knapsack.

    Determined to hide her joy, she fixed a neutral expression on her face. "I see you purchased a horse, what looks to me to be a fine animal."  What a brainless remark, she thought.

    "Aye, she should get me home within a few days."  He smiled then, that heartwarming smile that could win over the worst scoundrel. "That's not all I bought. Recall I said that I wanted to repay you for all you've done for me."  From inside his coin purse, he drew out a velvet bag and handed it to her, an expectant look on his face.

    She pulled the drawstring apart and gasped.  "My bracelet!  My gold bracelet!"

    He frowned in puzzlement.  'Yes, it's yours.  I bought it for you."

    She shook her head.  "No, you don't understand. This was--is--my own bracelet. My mother gave it to me years ago."  She explained about selling the piece because she needed money.  "Oh, Colin, how could you have known. . .?"

    He pulled out a chair and sat down. "That's the strange thing about my purchase. Something drew me to this piece, almost like magic beckoning me." He laughed. "Silly, I know. But something urged me to buy this bracelet for you."

    Overcome with emotion, she fought the tears that threatened to spill. Despite her efforts. tears misted her eyes. So happy to have this cherished piece returned to her, she wanted to kiss him and hold him and tell him she never wanted him to leave. But she could neither do nor say what her heart wanted.

    Suddenly aware she must look even uglier with her tearstained face, she brushed her hand across her cheeks. "Thank you, Colin.  I thank you from the bottom of my heart."

    He reached over and clasped her hand. "Something to remember me by. Tomorrow I leave for home." 

Copyright (C) 2013 Shirley Martin

Find Shirley's other BWL titles here:

Friday, April 5, 2013

A Few Lines From . . . Margaret Tanner

This week enjoy a few lines from Books We Love author Margaret Tanner's novel, Fiery Possession.

Jo Saunders did to him what no other woman had done in years. Set his pulses racing, exciting him to the point where he nearly lost control.
Damn Jo Saunders. Damn her to hell.



Please come back on April 12  to read Roseanne Dowell's exciting snippet.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

On the Casting Couch with BWL author Juliet Waldron

“Not all who wander are lost.” And Juliet Waldron has certainly been a wanderer. She earned a BA in English, but worked at jobs ranging from artist’s model to brokerage. Then, twenty-five years ago, after the kids left, she dropped out of 9-5 and began to write, hoping to create a genuine time travel experience for herself—and her readers. I think you will agree that she achieved her aim when you read about her books and listen to what she has to say on The Casting Couch. 

Juliet loves cats and grandkids and when she's not writing she enjoys taking long, long hikes through fields and forests, and making messy gardens.  She also hopes to make a few more pilgrimages abroad, and often rides behind her husband on his absurdly fast 'bucket list' sport bike.
* * *
Welcome Juliet. Just reading your personal history makes me breathless. You have achieved so much in your writing career too so I am looking forward to finding out a whole lot more about you on the Casting Couch.

First, Sheila, Thanks for the invitation to join all the other great writers on your Casting Couch.

It's my pleasure. Now to the questions. Which characters are the hardest for you to develop? Is it the hero, the heroine, the villain, or the secondary characters?

My secondary characters walk on without much hassle by the time a story has begun to 'run' movie-like in my head. I often find them so obliging and talkative that I have to shut them down. Christoph, who began as a secondary character in Mozart’s Wife, proceeded to be so bull-headedly charming and persistent that I wrote Red Magic to wind up his story.

Sometimes writing heroes can be a toughie, especially if I’m trying for a romantic historical which involves cross-over into genre writing techniques. Beta males aren’t that popular, but it always seems to me that a real life Alpha male is not exactly as pleasant a guy as he is often cracked up to be. (Too much testosterone -- not quite housebroken.) I have written a couple of true alphas that I’m rather proud of; Christoph, above, and Jack in Angel’s Flight.

 When an idea strikes, do you work through the plot first and then cast the characters, or is it characters first? Or does it vary? Perhaps you develop the plot and the characters together.

Of necessity, plot and characters grow together, because I write historicals. In that case, the plot is already written for you—at least, if you’re going to follow the lives of real people, or use historical events for the storyline.  In historical novels, characters are deeply enmeshed in the period in which they live. People are, after all, shaped not only by unique personal circumstances, but by the world view they grow up with.

Can you give an example from a published story?

In Mozart’s Wife, the feckless young couple leave their first born, only a few months old, in the care of a 'baby farmer' while they travel to Salzburg to visit his family for two months. In the 18th Century, this was normal for theater people who had to travel on business.  It seems heartless, even criminal, to us today, but this was accepted practice. Infant mortality in the packed, dirty cities was necessarily high, and, pre-contraception, there would always be another baby quickly on the way. It was a tough part of their story to tell, and it had to be done in a way that a modern reader could understand and still maintain sympathy for the principals.

Do you have a system for developing their character traits? I know some people use Tarot or Astrology. Others produce detailed life histories. There are also writers who allow their characters to develop as they write. What's your method?

I fret a lot over my characters. In writing historicals, however, you know the facts, (or think you do) but sometimes you’ve got to continue to ponder the puzzle pieces, in order to understand their actions.  It took me over a year to produce a fair portrayal of Stanzi Mozart,  to satisfy myself that I understood some of the things we know she did.

All characters have goals. Can your character’s goals usually be summed up in a word or two, or are they multi-layered? Do they change as you write the book? Could you give some examples?

Multi-layered. The characters grow in the course of the stories, as they experience the unfolding of their lives.  Nanina, in My Mozart is a sensitive, talented, musical little girl when the story begins. She is innocent, naturally sensual and obsessive. In the crucible of her love affair with the remarkable musician who has been her beloved teacher and friend, she realizes her greatest passion, but the suffering which follows, combined with the strength of her obsession, tip her into madness.

 Motives drive a character. How do you discover your character’s specific goals? Are they based on back story or do other elements influence their motives?

Back story plays a big part for me, as well as qualities innate to the characters, which will push them in a certain direction. In Genesee, the heroine, Jenny, is Dutch and Iroquois. Acceptance and inclusion elude her, whether she is at an elegant ball in a fine house in Albany, or in a long-house deep in the wilderness.

 And last but not least, do you like your characters? Are they people you would want to spend time with? Assuming they are not just a paper exercise, which of your characters would you most like to meet, and why?

Roan Rose just released, is set in medieval times. It is the Ricardian novel (Richard III) I’ve wanted to write since my teen years, and it is full of characters I’ve imagined for a very long time. Of course, I’d like to meet Richard and his wife Anne, just as I’d like to meet Mozart and his Stanzi. (In a way, I feel I’ve “met” fragile Nanina, as that story was—yes, it sounds nuts--channeled.) 

However, the character I’d most like to meet is Roan Rose herself, a freckled Yorkshire peasant woman who is servant to Anne, and the narrator of the story. Rose is a gardener/herbalist and a lover of wild places, who draws strength and courage from Mother Earth. I’d love to dig with her, to plant with her, and to follow her sheep as they wander the dales. But heck, I’d love to spend time with all my 18th Century creations: Angel, pondering a quilt as a civil war tears her world apart; Jenny, who loves to climb trees and knows how to swim; Alex, the brilliant, brave West Indian; Red Caterina, who loves her horses far more than people…

Well one thing's for sure Juliet, there are a whole lot of your books I now want to read. I am also intrigued by the fact that when you write historicals you not only have to imagine yourself into a life very different from modern day but you also have to put yourself into the mind of a real person and try to imagine why their story unfolded as it did. It has been fascinating to learn how you do it. Thank you for sitting on the Casting Couch.
* * *
Juliet has written a number of very successful books. Mozart's Wife won the First Independent e-Book Award, Genesee (an interracial love story) won the Epic Award for Best Historical. A companion novel, Angel's Flight is an on-the-road romance set during the American Revolution. Her other novels include Hand-me-Down Bride which is set in post-Civil War German Pennsylvania, Red Magic, a fantasy romance set in 18th Century Austria, Roan Rose which is a story of tangled loyalty and love during the Wars of Roses, and My Mozart, the 'mistress' companion to Mozart's Wife.

Go to to find out more about Juliet and her books 

She is also featured by Second Wind Publishing at and by Books We Love at

Monday, March 25, 2013

BWL Blurbathon Presents: We Never Said I Love You by Margaret Tanner

Wounded soldier, Adrian Bancroft, has a whirlwind romance with his nurse. A foolish misunderstanding leads to a heated argument and he and Julie part in bitterness.

With the black clouds of war hovering overhead, he returns to the hospital to sort things out with the woman he loves, but Julie has been banished because she is pregnant. Amidst the chaos of wartime London , he begins a desperate search for her.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

BWL Blurbathon Presents: Affinities by J.L. Walters

In Affinities, Escape, a Books We Love Young Adult Fantasy, two sets of halfling twins, Ashlea, Brandien, Jaydren and Kylandra sent away from their home by their parents to protect them from trouble, search for mentors to teach them how to use their affinities. Each of these young teens has an affinity for one of the elements. Ash for Air, Bran for Water, Jay for Earth and Ky for Fire. During the escape, they face many problems forcing them to use their affinities by trial and error. They also meet Alizand, the son of the ruling prince of Wesren. Zand has an affinity for Fire and this will keep him from gaining the rule. Dom Senet, an advisor to his father, and once a friend of the quartet’s parents suspects Zand’s affinity. He wishes to corrupt the teen and use him to gain control of the four princedoms of the land and of the highlands. The evil dom has all four affinities. The four must reach a secret place and find teachers before the evil man discovers them.

In Havens, the four teens, led by the mysterious birds they believe are their parents seek a place of safety where they can learn to control their affinities. They find a place of refuge with Doma Jandia, grandmother of their friend Zand. The doma plans to take them to the highlands but news of the capture of two of their friends by Dom Senet, sends them on a rescue mission. Their powers are not strong enough to defeat the evil dom. They must find a way to succeed or their friends will be corrupted forever.

In Searches, having found a safe place in a tower fortress, the four and their companions set out to find what they need to defeat Dom Senet and He Who Walks With Evil. They divide into three groups. The first group seeks the focus stones that enhance their affinities. The second group looks for the remaining artifacts, the swords, the staffs, the flutes and the scrying bowls. The third group sets out to find those with their affinities to round the groups to four of earth, four water, four air and four fire. Their strength will be needed in the final battle.

In Confrontations by J.L. Walters, a Books We Love Young Adult Fantasy, Ash, Bran, Ky and Jay along with their friends have now mastered their affinities. They now control their ability to use Earth, Air, Fire and Water. The time has come for them to face Dom Senet and He Who Walks with Evil. They have learned a disturbing fact. He Who Walks With Evil is able to exchange an old body for a new one. Dom Senet wishes to obtain the secret and he is willing to sacrifice even his own son to gain this power. The four sets of companions set off to rid the doms and domas of Dom Senet’s bonds and to defeat the two evil men. Can they or will they become pawns to evil?

Available from Books We Love here:  

Stay tuned for Margaret Tanner on March 25

Thursday, March 21, 2013

BWL Blurbathon Presents: Driven to Love by Pat Dale

Driven to Love by Pat Dale

Previously published as Goldie’s Bear

Night after night, Lucy yearns for her fabled fairy prince to rescue her. Thom Hill arrives, acting more like an ugly frog than the princely character in Lucy’s dreams. But who knows the magic in a simple kiss? If you knew a handsome hunk of a man was only a kiss away, would you do it? Would you kiss a frog?

Lucy did and Driven to Love tells you what she got for her effort. In a classic case of the irresistible force meeting an immovable object, Lucy Fox zeroes in on her hero and lets nothing deter her. Thom Hill is drawn into a sizzling romantic battle with the blonde dynamo, resulting in an affair that’s not too hot and not too cool, but just right.

Find more of Pat's work here:

Please stop back March 23 for a blurb from Janet Lane Walters.

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