Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Writing During Fire-Watch, Power-Outages and More! So, How's Your October? By Connie Vines

 I'm certain you've heard all about the terrible fires we are have in the states of  California, Oregon, Washington, and now in Colorado.

I reside in southern California and we have been on Fire-Watch for months.  While the current fire and suburban evacuation area is only 8 miles away, I don't foresee it reaching where I live.. The Santa Ana winds, with 80 mile wind gusts will, unfortunately, return again this weekend.

Power has been shutdown when the winds are gale force to ward off equipment failure which can, and has, led to a brush fires. I've been without electricity and and phone service for several days.  This is why my post blog post is going live at this odd hour of the day.

And here is my October Blog Post 

Even though I save my manuscripts in three different places on my computer, including the Cloud and Drive, when the power goes down not everything you've written is saved, slightly saved, or even recoverable.

After reality sets in. . .and the shock wears off, sort of. . .I devise a plan.  Not a particularly a good plan, I admit, but a plan, none-the-less.

1. Write a scene in cursive writing on a large note pad, college ruled.  

2. Skip lines so you can make adjustments, comments, etc.

3. Do not write on the back of the page because you will need to add additional notes.

4. Grab your sets of multi colored markers (and probably the taped crayons that belong to your grand children) to make stars or numbers and arrows that link all for your notes and additions together for easy (ha ha) reference.

5. Read each scene into your iPhone Note App.  Title your scene. 

6. Go on to the next scene. So on, and so forth, until you complete a chapter.

7. When the power resumes, run to the PC.  Set up a new doc in Word.  Type as quickly as possible while reading from you iPhone notes into this new document.  "For heaven sake woman, don't worry about spell check! Just type."

And so, this has been my October. Along with ash falling from the sky and landing on everything.

I know I am Blessed to be healthy and my home, and my family members homes, still intact. However, the air quality is horrendous. Opening a door or going outside means wearing goggles, heavy-duty face mask, a hat and clothing you will toss in the washer.  And care must be taken when walking outside.  Ash, leaves, tree branches, etc. are everywhere.

I always like to include a recipe for my readers.

Pumpkin Detox Smoothie

Pumpkin is rich in beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, which help protect our eyes and skin.

In a blender, combine 1/2 cup canned pumpkin puree, 1/2 cup milk of your choice (mine: Organic 2% milk), 1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt, 1 med. orange, peeled; 1/4 tsp. pumpkin pie spice; and a handful of ice. Blend until smooth. Serves 1.

Left over pumpkin puree can be saved in a air-tight container for 3 days in the refrigerator.  Or measured and frozen in 1/2 cup measurements.

Perfect for a Halloween Read!

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Tuesday, October 27, 2020


Find Vijaya's latest novels HERE
Nowadays, few pay attention to the cycles of the Moon, especially if they live in a city. But for others, including farmers and scientists, the Moon has always been a subject of wonder, and for good reason. The Moon affects our everyday lives in ways we do not always suspect. 

This year, Halloween falls on a full Moon, the Hunters Moon, which is also a blue Moon. It doesn’t mean the Moon will be blue, only that it's the second full Moon this month, a rare occurrence in itself. And according to the Farmer’s Almanac, we will next see a spectacular Halloween full Moon in the years 2039, 2058, 2077 and 2096. Mark your calendars. 

The first full Moon of October was the Harvest Moon on October 1st, the perfect time for a Harvest Festival. In the old days, for many centuries, and still in traditional farms following the Farmer’s Almanac, the Moon dictates the time of planting and Harvest. Using the natural cycles of dormancy, regeneration, blooming, ripening, etc. to their advantage. 

For many animals, particularly birds, the phases of the Moon are essential to navigate during migrations. Other species will time their reproduction to coincide with the lunar cycles. The corals time their spawning between October and December, right after a full Moon. The visual effect of this coordinated lunar timing is so dramatic that it can be seen from space. In Africa, Dung beetles navigate at night by the light of the Moon in a perfect straight line to their burrow. 

The Moon also regulates the ocean tides and influences women’s reproductive cycles. Women are more fecund (assuming a natural cycle) during the full Moon, and both men and women experience increased libido, which leads to fertility. Ancient Pagan festivals celebrated this fact during the full Moon. 

If you take the time, you’ll notice that important movable events (like some religious holidays) are scheduled on or as close to the full Moon as possible, when people have more energy. It’s not a coincidence. It’s also true of certain conventions and conferences who want to attract more people, and these auspicious dates are often booked far in advance.

My mother, who was a hairdresser, told me always to cut my hair a few days after the full Moon, because hair grows faster when the Moon is full, and if you wait, your haircut will look fresh longer. To this day, I still respect that rule. 

The Moon affects our circadian cycles as well. During the full Moon, people complain of not sleeping well and experience Increased energy. This wide-awake state is also responsible for full Moon madness in emergency rooms, and increased number of births in maternity wards – Even the babies want to come out and play. Ask any emergency doctor, maternity nurse, police officer, or EMT, and they will confirm this fact. 

So, this year, we are expecting an energy-filled Halloween night. As for the repercussions in our backyards, coyotes will howl, dogs will bark, and cats will roam longer than any other night. If you plan to take part in the fun, be safe and enjoy. 


But if you are looking forward to a good read with a cup of cocoa by the fire, here are a few suggestions:

Find it HERE
Chronicles of Kassouk
by Vijaya Schartz
Sci-fi romance
$1.49 in kindle now HERE

On the frozen plains of Kassouk, where a few aliens rule a medieval Human world, Tora, Human warrior trained by tigers, seeks her father’s murderer. But what she finds at the point of her sword confuses her. How dare Dragomir, the handsome Mutant, question her bloodline and her loyalties? And could a new enemy control the savage hordes of the fringe?

Dragomir offers to help, but Humans and Mutants are forbidden to fraternize under penalty of death... Should Tora trust her mind, her instincts, or her heart?

In the vortex of war, treason and intrigue, among blizzards, avalanches and ambushes, Tora sets out to solve the mystery of her father’s death. When she unveils the secret of her birth, she realizes Dragomir is the key, and together, they must save their planet from the invaders and fulfill their destiny... if they can survive dire persecutions from those they mean to protect.

" exceptional tale that belongs in a place of honor on keeper shelves everywhere." Coffee Time Romance - 5-cups

"...this is one futuristic that you do not want to miss!" Fallen Angels Reviews - 5 angels - Recommended Read

"...kept me enthralled from the first page...a thrilling science fiction romance" Paranormal Romance Reviews

"I'm adding this to my 'keeper' shelf and on the 'to be re-read' list." The Road to Romance

Vijaya Schartz, author
Strong Heroines, Brave Heroes, cats
amazon B&N - Smashwords - Kobo FB

Monday, October 26, 2020

Summer is a coming in—Tricia McGill

Visit my author page for links to all my books


At least it is in my part of the world, being Victoria, Australia. Melbourne and South Victoria have the dubious reputation of often having four seasons in one day. This is no lie, for it can be teeming with rain in the early part of the day, brighten up around tennish, be beautiful until teatime and then the temperature can dive within half an hour and then often be followed by a storm. This can be annoying if you left washing drying on the line while you were out and just before you arrive home, it pours. I love these changes to be honest and could not live with the temperature, let’s say in Darwin up north, where it can be what I call uncomfortably high most of the year. 

Anyway, this is not about the changing of the seasons but more about our plant life. I inherited a nice, smallish garden when I moved here about 15 months ago—just enough to keep my doggies and me happy. I have no lawn, a bonus as therefore we do not need a gardener periodically invading our serenity with his smelly mower. The saddest part about leaving my previous home of 26 years was leaving my beautiful garden behind. I do hope the new owners are taking care of it. I brought along about 6 or 8 plant tubs with me and have since purchased a few more. I now have a dwarf nectarine tree

which last season produced about 6 fruit—I am hoping for more this year. I also have a miniature pear tree, and cannot wait to see if it bears fruit. I worried at first that no bees were visiting to pollinate, but since the sun began to shine brightly each day, they are there, and seem to favour my lavender bush. I curse the councils who have no concern for bees and merrily continue with their pesticide spraying.

One of my favourite bushes is the hydrangea. I was not successful with them at the old place as the soil was not right for them, and to my delight I now have about 6 of them and since feeding them am hoping to get really nice blossoms before Christmas. One lovely bush that I have inherited is a Snowball bush (Viburnum). It currently has about 6 or 8 flowers but within a week or two will be covered in all its glory. Unfortunately, the blossoms do not last long and soon the ground below them looks just as if it has snowed recently (Something snow never does in this part of the world).

After moving in, a neighbour gave me small clusters of a ground covering plant called Grannie’s Bonnet. The ground where I planted this gets hard as rock in summer, but this hasn’t deterred this sturdy little plant as it flourishes.

I think I should say that in no way am I a gardener, more a potterer. I have a couple of plants that I have no idea what their names are, but they are currently flowering. The nearest guess I can take at this one is some sort of Myrtle. My roses of all colours are now budding. Whoever planted this garden originally must have loved roses and hydrangeas, bless them. A while back, I asked one of our village gardeners to get rid of an oleander for, as beautiful as they are, they are also toxic and I care more for my dogs than one colourful plant. I just realised that currently my plants all have white blossoms, but wait a few weeks until all my rose bushes are flowering and my garden will be a mass of colour.

Today as I write this it is 20c (68f) but within a few weeks the temperature will be rising drastically and can be anything up to 36c to 40c (100f) plus so for now I am relishing the lovely sunshine. My point is, no matter that in my part of the world we are still in lockdown, that I had to cancel my long awaited holiday in May, that I am forced to shop online or go without, Mother Nature still goes her merry way and brings pleasure into this strange world where we currently live.


Sunday, October 25, 2020

Elegant Orchids by A.M. Westerling


My local grocery store just received a shipment of beautiful orchids. 

Most orchids are tropical plants. They symbolize fertility, elegance and love and because of this are often given to new parents as gifts. Also known as Orchidaceae, they are a beautiful flower with long lasting blooms in vibrant colours such as pink, magenta, white, yellow and purple.

I’ve had orchids over the years and every time they finished blooming, I would toss them as I had the impression they were difficult to grow. However, last Christmas I received one as a gift from a dear friend and decided to accept the challenge of keeping it. After it finished blooming, I put it in my office and other than giving it an ice cube once a week, pretty much ignored it.

The only thing I knew was that orchids are dormant for 6 to 9 months after flowering so at the end of August, I moved it to an east facing window and gave it some all purpose fertilizer. To my delight, it’s putting out a new leaf!


I’ve since done a bit of research to aid in my quest to bring my orchid to bloom and have discovered that orchids in fact are one of the easiest house plants to grow. Although some varieties grow in dirt ie lady slippers, which grow in the loamy jungle soil, most orchids in the wild grow on tree bark which explains why the growing medium is not soil. The orchid uses the tree for support but receives its nutrients from animal droppings that wash down or organic matter decaying in the crooks of branches. Orchids are epiphytes which means their roots have adapted to absorb water from the humid jungle air. Many types deal with times of abundant water and periods of dryness so their thick stems, called pseudobulbs, allow them to store water for the dry times.

A few basic tips for proper orchid care:

-     Don’t overwater! That’s one of the most common mistakes people make in growing these beautiful plants. A clear pot helps determine water requirements. If you see condensation, it doesn’t need to be watered. Healthy orchid roots are green. If you’re overwatering, they’re brown and mushy and if you’re underwatering, they are grey. Mine are looking pretty good. 😊


-     Feed weekly or monthly (depending on the variety). I’ve been using 20 20 20.

-   Place your orchid in an east or west facing window. 

-     Repot in fresh orchid mix (not soil!) when your orchid stops blooming.

-     After flowering prune the old flower stalk near the base of the stem.

-     They grow best at 16 to 24 C

-     Mist regularly if you live in a dry climate.

With proper care, they can live for years. I’ll see how I make out with this one!


Although you won't find orchids in this book, you may enjoy reading Sophie's Choice, a romance that Coffee Time Romance calls "an excellent Regency".  You can find it at your favourite online store HERE. Also available in print. 

Find all my books on the BWL Publishing website.


Saturday, October 24, 2020

Featured Author Diane Scott Lewis



I’m an historical author at BWL Publishing, Inc. My pen name is Diane Scott Lewis. You can find my books at


I’ve always loved history and traveling in my mind to other places—that’s what spurred me to be a writer.


I grew up in the bustling San Francisco Bay Area. I’ve always loved to write since I first discovered the written word and could put pencil to paper, revealing the imaginative stories in my head. My first novel took place in ancient Egypt and Rome, written at age ten. My second was an Alfred Hitchcock style murder mystery, also at age ten (a productive year evidently).  The grand movies of the time influenced my stories: Cleopatra, Mutiny on the Bounty, and Marnie.

Reading was always a big part of my life. Our house had shelves of books, especially history, which fueled my interests.

In high school I had a short story submitted to a literary festival. I didn’t win, but my teacher’s faith in me excited my ambition.


After high school I joined the navy to see the world. I worked in communications, stationed in Nea Makri, Greece, where I met my husband. Traveling and living in Puerto Rico, San Diego, and Guam, I put writing aside to raise my two sons.

When we settled in Virginia, and my husband retired from the navy, my drive to write re-surfaced. Did I still have my writing muse? I wrote long rambling manuscripts, then learned the art of editing and revision. I traveled to England and France, where my first novels were set. I wanted to walk where my characters walked in these foreign locales.

I studied the eighteenth century through old books I found at the Library of Congress, later, on-line texts, and reading novels published in that era. I joined critique groups to hone my craft.


The road to publication wasn’t easy. I finally found a publisher, but then they sold out, changed hands, and I wasn’t happy with the new situation.

Meanwhile, I attended writers’ conferences, workshops, and made solid friendships with other authors. A close author friend introduced me to BWL, publishing, Inc. And my career has taken off. I strive to write what History and Women has said, “authentic characters and setting.”


My novel, The Apothecary’s Widow, an historical murder mystery, takes place in Truro, Cornwall, England in 1783. A squire with a murdered wife fights his attraction to the widow who prepared the tincture that killed her. Excerpt:

Branek stumbled into the apothecary shop and called out. “I’ve…been shot.” The room seemed to tip. He pressed against the wall and trembled with a sudden chill.

A-barth Dyw! Where? Where were you shot, sir? In the stomach?” Jenna hurried close and clasped his upper arms.

“In my left side.” He grunted and tried to take a decent breath. The pain pierced like a sword deep inside his flesh.

Jenna slipped her arms around him as he tottered. “Dear me, sir. We probably need a surgeon; oh heaven help us.” She gasped. “Can you stand while I bring you a chair?”

He straightened, then sagged against her. She held him securely under the arms. Her breasts pressed against his chest. Her hair smelled like lemons. “Help me your kitchen.” He was determined not to sink to the floor, or fall under her spell, but her embrace was a comfort.


On a Stormy Primeval Shore is set during the founding of New Brunswick, 1984, part of the Canadian Historical Brides series. A bride who rejected her soldier-betrothed and a handsome Acadian trader meet for the first time:  Excerpt:

At the bear’s growl, Amelia stepped back. She slipped, tumbling down the short embankment, rocks poking into her flesh. Her gloves were ripped off as she groped. She struggled to rise amid her tangle of skirt and petticoats and scrambled to her feet to scuttle up the hill to help her cowering maid.

Nearing the crest, dirt dislodged above her, sifting down on her face and scalp. Amelia blinked up, her pulse hammering. She heard movement, footsteps.

A large man with a black beard, wearing buckskin clothing and a leather hat, stood at the top of the slope. He aimed a musket in the direction of the bear. The animal growled louder.

“Don’t move, either of you, mes jeune femmes,” he commanded in a French accent.


My newest, Her Vanquished Land, begins in 1780 Pennsylvania: a young woman spies for the British during the American Revolution. Rowena tries to trick a rebel spy. Excerpt:

Fergus reached into his frock coat pocket and snatched out a small knife. “Now, if you’ll be so kind, tell me the truth. You’re lying about your mission.”

How could Rowena talk her way out of this? She slid a step back. “You are far too disturbed. Think about what you’re doing. I will call for help.”

Fergus grabbed her shoulder, pulled her close, and touched the side of the blade to her throat. His stink of breath gushed over her, the blade cold. “Not if I slash your gullet.” He blinked. “Trust me, I don’t wish to hurt you.”

“You’ve lost your senses, sir. I swear I’m only a messenger from…” She shoved at his arm and swung away from him, across the tiny office. Her hip bumped into the smaller desk. She plucked her muff pistol from the inside pocket and aimed it at him. “Step away from the door.” She had him, Fergus was a spy for the rebels. She must take him to the King’s men.


I currently live in Western Pennsylvania with my husband and one naughty puppy.


For more info on me and my books, please visit my website:



Friday, October 23, 2020

Titles Tell All by Victoria Chatham


Available Here

You spend weeks/months/years writing your novel. You type THE END. And then it hits you. You haven’t got a title.

Titles come easy to some, not so easy to others. But how important is that title? In a word, everything. After all those thousands of words in your content, you now must encapsulate them all in a few words. Not as easy as it sounds because choosing a title needs as much attention as your characters, plot, and setting.

Available Here
A good title should be easy to remember and be appropriate to the book. It must hook the reader into picking up your book to find out what is between the covers. Is it clear what your genre is? Is there a hint of intrigue in the title, or does it have a hidden meaning such as Nancy Bell’s Dead Dogs Talk or
Stephen King’s It

Does your title state who your character is? Think of Connie Vines’ Lynx, or Jane Austen’s classic Emma

Place can also be a character, such as Eileen O’Finlan’s Kelegeen or James Michener’s Texas

All these book titles tell their own tale and give the reader a clear clue about the content of the book.

Available Here

Authors who write a series or link books will often have ‘follow on’ titles as in Mary Balogh’s First Comes Marriage, Then Comes Seduction, At Last Comes Love or Donna Alward’s Larch Valley or Cadence Creek series. The titles of these books set readers up with what to expect. There is no cheating in them and there should be no disappointments.

There are tools to help you, like the any one of several book title generators you can find on the Internet. Or you can create your title from your content, create your own list of possible titles and run a contest for your followers to choose one, or appeal to your fellow writers or critique partners. 

There isn't much doubt about Loving That Cowboy. It's a contemporary western romance and the title says it all. However, no matter how good the title or how attractive the cover, there really is no substitute for a good story. With National Novel Writing Month (NANOWRIMO) looming in November, it's time to get writing the next good story.





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