Thursday, October 17, 2024

Running Slow by Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Writing #Slow

 I'm working on a new series. The first book is called The horror Writer's Demise. This time the story writing is going slow. I've been working on it sonce I left the hospital four or five months ago. The rough draft is finally finished.

Rough drafts are interesting things. When looking it over, I realize most of it is dialogue so there is much to fill in. I always wonder if other people when writing rough drafts do the same thing and just put down mostly dialogue. Now I must go back and turn this into a book. Hopefully this will go quicker than the rough draft did. The process will start today where I describe settings, people and events taking place.

I realize once the revision process takes place this will become a real story. Now if I can find where I stored the cover.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Art in the darkness, by J.C. Kavanagh


The award-winning Twisted Climb series
(Book 1, The Twisted Climb, is also available in audio format)
Click here for the purchase link:

Earlier this year I wrote about the sun's multiple solar flares (coronal mass ejections, or CMEs) and the resulting aurora borealis illuminating the night sky over the northern hemisphere. Sadly at that time, cloud cover in the area prevented me from viewing them. Until now.

Above our heads was this vision - an angel? A dove? What do you see?
This type of Northern Light is called a 'Divergent Coronal Aurora.'

My partner and I are avid sky watchers and when we read that a Category 4 CME (Category one being minor, five major) was on its way to earth, we prepared ourselves for an art in the sky event. Coats? Check. Touque? Check. Portable chairs? Check. Wine? Absolutely check.

Scientists have determined that solar flares from our sun have an eleven year cycle. This year, 2024, is the final year of the solar cycle and, as is typical for the cycle's end, the blasts occur more frequently and with more strength. The result? The most beautiful art-in-the-dark-sky you have ever seen.

Photos taken October 9 at 9 p.m. from our front yard
in Tiny Township, Ontario, Canada

An undulating veil of colours.
All photo credits to my partner, Ian.

Solar flares (CMEs) occur when a powerful geomagnetic solar storm takes place on the sun's surface, causing a burst or multiple bursts of energy. These energy bursts erupt into a coronal mass ejection (CME) which launches billions of tons of plasma into space. The plasma travels at an incredible solar wind speed of 750-800 km per second (470-500 miles per second). The magnetized plasma particles will take a couple of days to reach our planet and when they arrive, the earth's own magnetic field prevents it from reaching us directly. Instead, the active plasma is dispersed across the magnetosphere, resulting in the famed aurora borealis. The magnetized plasma will, however, have the capability of disrupting hydro grids, causing radio/GPS black-outs and degrading satellite reception. High-altitude planes will lower their flight path in order to avoid exposure to any radiation leaking through the magnetosphere.

The diverging point of a coronal aurora.
Note the stars are visible behind the aurora.

Due to light pollution, viewing the magnificent auroras may be difficult for those living in urban/city areas. However, if you don't want to wait eleven more years for the tail-end of the sun's next cycle, I recommend taking a trip to a rural area that has a large expanse of sky. That's the best way to capture this stunning, awe-inspiring act of nature. First, confirm that a severe geomagnetic event (CME) has taken place and within days, the aurora borealis will be on display. Noteworthy, though, the aurora borealis is something you will not find in The Twisted Climb series. What you will find is a full-moon, night-time world where nothing is as it seems and where you have to climb in order to 'fall' asleep. And also avoid the wicked intentions of Dick Hatemore. So if you enjoy adventure, action, suspense, drama and inexplicable paranormal activity, you will love the award-winning Twisted Climb trilogy. 

In the meantime, stay safe and be sure to tell the ones you love that you love them :)

J.C. Kavanagh, author of

The Twisted Climb - A Bright Darkness (Book 3) Best YA Book FINALIST at Critters Readers Poll 2022
The Twisted Climb - Darkness Descends (Book 2) voted BEST Young Adult Book 2018, Critters Readers Poll and Best YA Book FINALIST at The Word Guild, Canada
The Twisted Climb,
voted BEST Young Adult Book 2016, P&E Readers Poll
Voted Best Local Author, Simcoe County, Ontario, 2021
Novels for teens, young adults and adults young at heart
Twitter @JCKavanagh1 (Author J.C. Kavanagh)
Instagram @authorjckavanagh

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Importance of Good Background Development and Research, By H Paul Doucette

 Hi everyone,

I have been fortunate over the course of my writing career to meet many people who

have read my stories and who have generously offered their impressions of my ‘style’. The

three main comments I receive (as opposed to criticisms) have been about the dialogue,

minimal narrative and the historical backgrounds and settings. The first two are generally

considered the cornerstones of story writing, however, I believe that as characters and their

interactions (dialogue) are fundamental components so to are the settings in which they live.

For my stories, I strive to create settings as though they were another character in the

story, telling their own tale. Settings are canvas upon which our players live their lives and

behave, or misbehave, as the story dictates. As such, we must ensure that we give our

readers a place to set their feet, where they can follow the characters down dark streets, into

their homes, places of work, etc. The settings give them dimension and us an understanding

behind their motives.

Settings require careful and accurate development. Remember, many of our readers

likely have lived or are living in very similar, recognizable settings. The best and easiest

setting to construct is the drawn from we already know; our own place. However, in my view,

that is not enough. A good setting is viable, recognizable and, in many cases, have a sense of

history. Therefore, take the time to research your setting; infuse it with ‘life’, something that

happened, that was once.

Your characters will thank you by being seen as believable and your readers will want

to visit your ‘places’ to check up on the people they have met.

A last thought for your consideration. If you can create a believable sense of place

maybe consider giving your characters the chance to tell your story. Remember: your

narrative ought only to be use to bring the reader to the threshold of the story, let them

discover the intention behind the action.

Just a thought.

Thanks for reading this and I look forward to reading your opinions.

H Paul Doucette

Monday, October 14, 2024

How to make the unnatural seem natural by Tobias Robbins

My book, The Remnants of Pryr comes out this February. 

Visit my BWL Author Page here:

When one of the ancient founders of Pryr returns after a long exile and claims the world will end, the nations must adapt and learn to work together. If not, the Breath of Ruination will bring about a world-ending catastrophe. The kaleidoscopic cast, including gods, assassins, poets, and scientists, provides interlocking accounts in this geo-political drama that dates back to the founding of civilization.


I really wanted my story to have a “believable unbelievability” to it. That is to say, I wanted my fictional world to feel as close to real as possible but still be distinct from our real world. For the natural environment, I tried to focus on balancing out the scientific components to make it seem legitimate, while also adding wild fantasy that would give it a visual uniqueness.


Fireweed- It is so named because of its bright red color and the burning sensation caused by the thorn's poisonous coating. Thin, wiry it grows to knee height. Thorns are barbed and intended to break off easily allowing more time for the poison to spread.

Scourge fungus- White mushrooms that grow in patches. Their fast-growing roots emit a digestive enzyme that breaks down flesh as easily as metal or stone. Spores grow and spread quickly. Fire must be used to cleanse the infected area if the rare Harken dirt can not be found.

Grasp grass- Carnivorous trap-setting plant. Its roots burrow a deep hole and its blades grow long enough to fill the hole to appear as normal short grass. Once a creature steps into the pit, the blades curl inward pulling in to digest the creature with acidic resin excreted at the bottom of the hole.


Cloven steed- Quadripedal mammal with a long neck and head. Each leg ends with feet that are made of four small hooves clumped together. Easily trainable for riding and combat. 

Dune leviathans- Large insectile body composed of many segments each with a set of stubby spikes that help it travel under loose sand. Its head has four forward-facing horns that it uses to dig or use for protection. 

Shaggy monohorn- Heavy four-legged creature large enough for one rider. It has a single horn between its eyes used to gore other creatures. Its long matted hair collects mold and bacteria giving off a repulsive odor.

Bloodhunter bats- Tiny mammals with wings that are lined with sharp bone along the edge for slicing creatures mid-flight. As blood is drawn the bat uses their circular, jagged-toothed mouths to suction on, and lash at the cuts with their spiked tongues. 

Light-eyed grazer- Medium-sized quadruped with thin legs and quills running down its back. It has three horns and can be found in a variety of colors. 

Scissor-beaked turtle- Large, shelled reptile, suitable for riding into combat. The mouth comes to a long point of hard bone that when closed acts as a scissor. 


Fuming Plateau- Located near the eastern coast of Pryr. Geysers of steam almost constantly erupt with varying sizes. The columns of steam take on the color of chemical deposits, red, yellow, green, and blue. Bioluminescent bacteria give the geysers a glow. 

Garnet Forest- Enormous stone trees with no leaves and jagged spikes and crooked blades for branches, they can grow high enough to reach clouds. They are commonly in a reddish hue such as burgundy or even brown. 

Acidic Sea- Acid content in water breaks down tissues such as flesh and plant fibers. Given enough exposure it will eat away at metals as well. The sea surrounds the supercontinent of Pryr. 

Neon Canyons- A labyrinth of caves and crevasses; some large enough to contain whole cities. The smooth translucent stone has glowing neon gas veins streaking just below the surface, constantly lighting the canyons.



Sunday, October 13, 2024

Notions of Promotions


A lovely promotion for Seven Aprils!

Find my books here!

A writer acquaintance of mine once achieved her lifelong have one of her books reach New York Times best seller list. This was a great promotion in her mind. She said, "Now I know how my obituary will start-- 'New York Times best-selling author...'"

In life as well as art, we receive many promotions. My dad served in the United States military (National Guard and Army) for much of his long life. He first achieved the rank of Sergeant. His men loved the way he looked after them and called him "dad" even though he was in his twenties. While in Europe during World War II, his superiors thought him officer material. They sent him for a crash course in recently liberated Paris, after which he became a lieutenant and back into the field of war with new duties. So, as he often laughed about later, a scrappy son of Irish and French Canadian immigrants from Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan, who dreamed of going to West Point, became a commissioned officer and a gentleman by way of the Sorbonne, Paris. What a promotion!

Sgt. Charbonneau

I love my promotion to mother. For the rest of my life, I will be known as the mother of three wonderful human beings, Abby, Marya, and Lawrence.

More recently, daughter Marya's decision to become a mother gave me another grandmother. Wow, this one is totally undeserved and great fun! 

Desmond and his grandma up to no good together

In my work life, I was so pleased to be asked to become a co-author with Jude Pittman of the Canadian Historical Mystery Series. I've long been a reader and admirer of the series of novels based in the Canadian provinces that BWL publishes. So to be asked to contribute to it? A great honor and promotion!

What are the promotions of your life, dear readers? I hope you've had many and that they've brought you joy.

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