Friday, June 15, 2018

Meditation and Writing

Many writers struggle with their work. Writers block can be traced to structural problems with the piece and, sometimes, the only solution is to rework the plot or to rewrite the character.

Other times, the struggle is within and not with the work. Procrastination, distractions, or just plain lack of motivation are a few of the issues writers deal with regularly. Let’s face it, writing is hard work.

Meditation is one of the solutions given for achieving a state of mind conducive to good writing. Author Jaclyn Paul, in The Write Life[1], gives the following steps for getting started in a meditation practice:

1.   Get comfortable. Find a position you can maintain for five minutes without getting sore or losing circulation.
2.   Set a timer for five minutes and close your eyes.
3.   Bring your attention to your breath. Say the words “inhale” and “exhale” in your mind as you take each breath.
4.   As other thoughts begin to invade (and they will), calmly return to thinking about your breath. The key is to remain objective as you notice the distraction and refocus.
5.   If you get tired of saying “inhale” and “exhale” to yourself over and over, try focusing on your breathing through what yogis call the three-part breath: first, fill your belly and lower abdomen with air. Then, on the next breath, fill your chest as well. Focus on the sensation of your ribs expanding. Finally, feel your collarbone and shoulders lift as your whole torso fills with the third breath. Repeat to your heart’s content.
The benefits include clarity of mind, gaining of focus, lowering of stress and avoidance of distractions, with the end result of an increase of energy and unleashed creativity. In the end, putting words on paper (or screen) is what gets the story going.

Mohan Ashtakala is the author of The Yoga Zapper (, published by Books We Love (

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