Sunday, July 19, 2020

Featured Author Vijaya Schartz

Hi. My name is Vijaya Schartz, and I write mainly science fiction and Celtic legends with a little romance for BWL Publishing Inc. Find my books on my BWL page at: 

Maybe I have a different outlook on life because I was born and raised in France, but I traveled all over the world and found out I'm just a little different. Period. I think I come from the future. I can't be satisfied with today's limitations of the human race. We are bigger than all our petty differences. I get frustrated when people do not behave like the kind and noble creatures we all are inside. 

My world is the universe. In my books, many of my characters transcend human limits and develop extraordinary abilities. The abilities I think everyone has but never sharpened. In my dreams I can fly and travel to other planets... and so do many of my characters. Whether medieval or futuristic, most of my heroines are very strong women, handy with a sword or a blaster, and they do not hesitate to kick evil's butt.

I decided long ago not to write about people's failures, mistakes, and shortcomings, but about what they could be in their best version. Everyone has potential. In my definition, heroes are ordinary people, who, at a critical time, realized their full potential.

Of course, for heroes to realize their potential, they have to face villains, and mine are often pure evil. A reviewer once wrote: "Captain Kavak (Ancient Enemy sci-fi series) is by far the worst (read best) villain in science fiction." I have since written many equally evil villains, and Admiral Mort Lowell, the villain in my September 2020 release, MALAIKA'S SECRET, Byzantium book 3, is no exception.

I also have an affinity for cats. I love all cats, big and small, and they do appear on my book covers, and in my novels as secondary characters. Some of these cats are telepathic... as I believe most cats are.

My latest series are: 
AZURA CHRONICLES, set on a forbidden planet where angels roam. Books 1 and 2 are out. Book 3 is coming next year.

There is a planet out in the universe, emitting a strange turquoise glow. A long time ago Azura refused to join the Trade Alliance. The Alliance sent their military fleet to destroy the Azurans, but their powerful supernatural abilities spread fear even among the fiercest Devil Dogs. Since then, records have been erased. Rumors and legends all but died. Azura is strictly forbidden, and the daring few who ventured beyond the warning space beacons were never seen again...

The BYZANTIUM series, set on a human space station. Books 1 and 2 are out. Book 3 is coming in September.

Hovering at the edge of conquered space, in orbit around a dying star, sits an aging space station under the control of the Galactic Trade Alliance. Byzantium, once a thriving commercial hub, is turning into a den of crime, drugs, and debauchery, where anything or anyone can be bought or sold. The maximum-security penitentiary at its core, the Fortress, is a pit of despair and holds the most dangerous felons in the galaxy. For over a hundred cycles, the GTA has annexed worlds and plundered their resources. It now controls most of the galaxy, except for a few useless rocks and a small number of rebellious planets, who still manage to challenge their military might. But something is coming to upset the balance of power... something the GTA did not foresee.

Both series above are set in the same universe and in the same far future. I like each book in my series to be a complete story, but a few characters do pop out in more than one book. 

There is also the CHRONICLES OF KASSOUK, a six book sci-fi romance series (complete).

Noah's Ark, a transport full of human settlers equipped to seed a new planet with life, crashes on the wrong world, a cold orb beyond the confines of the known universe. Seeking refuge in the abandoned alien fortress of Kassouk, the settlers and their motley crew fight for survival, against hostile natives, and advanced galactic races who consider them cheap labor and research material for their genetic experiments.
Stranded with no hope of rescue, deprived of their technology by the ruling aliens, the humans of Kassouk reverse to a medieval farming society with slight differences. Besides horses and swords, they keep large felines as pets and train them for battle. They also proudly adopt big cat names as warrior names, and women often strive as military leaders.
As they fight their alien rulers to keep their freedom and their pride, as well as the right to freely choose their mates… other, more insidious dangers lurk. Generation after generation, as the people of Kassouk evolve and secretly learn from the alien races oppressing them, a few start developing extraordinary abilities…

If you like medieval knights and ladies and Celtic legends, you may want to try the CURSE OF THE LOST ISLE , an eight book series (complete) derived from authentic legends, with immortal ladies related to Morgan the Fay. 

From history shrouded in myths, emerges a family of immortal Celtic Ladies, who roam the medieval world in search of salvation from a curse. For centuries, imbued with hereditary gifts, they hide their deadly secret, stirring passions in their wake as they fight the Viking hordes, send the first knights to the Holy Land, give birth to kings and emperors... but if the Church ever suspects what they really are, they will be hunted, tortured, and burned at the stake.

I have more series and books out there. Find them all on my author page on your favorite retail sites.
Hope you enjoy the read.


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