Today is normally Katherine's blog day, but for health reasons she's away from us for a short time and in lieu of her normal blog post we're posting a celebration of Katherine Pym and her writing.
To read about and purchase any of Katherine's novels, visit her BWL Author Page:
Jeannie Driftwood is alone. She is almost penniless after her husband walks out and empties their bank accounts. But Jeannie prevails.
With vignettes of her youth in Greendale Wisconsin, then her journey from abuse into the light near Dallas Texas, she finds contentment with her lot, and takes the boys to England for a year to research a novel of the French Revolution.
world on the verge of destruction, Kessav is shocked when his wife
refuses to accompany him to a new land. As the ground splinters under
her feet, Luna, a kitchen slave, is terrified. She finds Kessav in the
market, fires exploding all around them. He takes her with him where
they leap into an energy field to land in ancient Sumer, 4500 BCE.Their
new world is clean with no fire belching from rents in the earth, but
Elam, Kessav’s old friend, is furious over the wife's desertion and
shows bitterness and hatred.
Kessav builds a new life but holds secrets from Luna, and Luna fears telling her secrets would destroy Kessav. After the loss of their firstborn to the great goddess, will their love bind them together? Will Elam exact a cruel revenge?
London 1661, the new king is on the throne, but old religious beliefs and Medieval superstition still prevail.
Catholics are not tolerated in this new era. Edgar and Emmatha Torbet are papists and fraternal twins, which means their mother was an adulteress. One of them is a legitimate heir, the other is a bastard. Which one of them is it?
It is
London 1666 and the plague is waning. The 2nd Anglo/Dutch war rages at
sea. Lord Pilcher, a staunch Cromwell man, hates his grandson who
followed King Charles II into exile. When Geoffrey returns to England, bereft and weary, he hopes for succor and support from his grandfather but Pilcher does everything he can to deny Geoffrey his inheritance. As a result, Geoffrey resorts to deceit. He steals goods and money from his grandfather that, by right, should be his.
the death of their parents, Erasmus and Desiderius find Gentleman Jack
and are welcomed into his gang of fellows. They learn sleight of hand,
transfer stolen goods to cunning hidey-holes.
They learn how to be nefarious and follow their leader’s skullduggery. Dodging the constables and the sheriff, will they be caught and hanged for highway robbery?
and Sara Kirke live in a time of upheaval under the reign of King
Charles I who gives, then takes. He gives David the nod of approval to
range up and down the French Canadian shores, burning colonies and
pillaging ships that are loaded with goods meant for the French. When
Louis XIII of France shouts his outrage, King Charles reneges. He takes
David’s prizes and returns them to the French, putting David and his
family in dire straits.
Undeterred, David and Sara will not be
denied. After years, the king relents. He knights David and gives him a
grant for the whole of Newfoundland and Labrador. There David and Sara
build a prosperous plantation. They trade fish and fish oil with
colonies down the American coast, Barbados and ports of call in the
Mediterranean. They thrive while England is torn in two by the civil
Soon, these troubles engulf his family. David is carried in
chains back to England to stand trial for being a malignant, a follower
of Laud's high church. He entreats Sara to manage the Ferryland
plantation, a daunting task but with a strength that defies a stalwart
man, she digs in and prospers, becoming the first entrepreneur of
A writer of fascinating historical stories. Sending health wishes. Keep writing
ReplyDeleteAn impressive collection of well researched fiction, which are a pleasure to read. Get well soon, Katherine.
ReplyDeleteI love Pillar of Avalon. Such a wonderful read filled with history. Get better soon! Hugs!