Saturday, July 17, 2021

Experiment ala Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Mint Tea series #Opposites in Love series

 Opposites in Love



Jude and I decided to do an experiment with my books. Since I write series, a lot of them we decided to start with one series. The Mint Tea series


So far, the series has done great, especially with my Amazon numbers. Murder and Mint Tea is free and what has happened is the rest of the books are being purchased. Also the number or ratings has climbed and some reviews added. Not all are great but reviews often aren’t.

 We have decided to do another series and see what we can do. The Aries Libra Connection is now free everywhere and finally hit Amazon. Now we will see what happens With this grouping.


With some luck they will take the same path that the Mint Tea Series ahs done. Then I will try a third time, this time with one of the fantasy series.


Such a nice birthday present for this 85 year old. Though as I tell the family, I am only one day older than I was yesterday.


My Places



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  1. Congratulations on your multi-genre success, Janet! Love your stories!

  2. This is awesome, Janet! You're my inspiration :)

  3. Best of luck, Janet. Love your zodiac series especially, being a believer.

  4. Wonderful results, Janet. Wishing you continued success. Congratulations all around. Your marketing efforts are paying off.


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