Monday, August 15, 2022

Introducing John Robichaud by Paul Doucette


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The latest John Robichaud release - July 2022

Hello again,

 I would like to take this opportunity to introduce a very good friend to all of you. His name is John Robichaud, Robie to his friends and colleagues. Born and raised in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, he grew up with limited possibilities for his future outside of fishing or mining. Then came WW I and he saw his chance for something else and maybe a bit of adventure, so he enlisted.

He was one of the lucky ones and survived the horrors of the trenches and bad leadership. Upon his discharge he and an American soldier he befriended returned home; he accepted his friend’s invitation to come with him to Boston. Shortly after arriving there, they decided to join the police force where he served and made a favourable impression with his superiors. It was not an easy time to be a cop since it was Prohibition and the city was rife with hoodlums, hustlers, hookers and every other form of criminal looking to ‘cash in’.

In time, he decided he was ready to return home to Nova Scotia but soon learned that he had seen too much, lived through too much to settle in his old life. He headed for the city – Halifax – in search of something to do. That’s when he saw an opportunity with the local constabulary and once again took to the badge. It wasn’t long before he came to the realization that this was his true calling and made the commitment to stay on to the ‘golden handshake’. The job proved to be easier and decidedly safer than his stint in Boston.

World War Two would change all that. For the six years he and his partner, Pete Duncan, would find themselves breaking up gin mills, illegal booze parlours, theft rings and running down the occasional German agent for Naval Intelligence, in some cases with tragic endings.

You can follow Robie and Pete’s exploits in the stories I have written and which are available through BWL.


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