Friday, May 17, 2024

New Books and Complications by Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Writing #complications

 My next book now has five hundred words completed Plus all the words from the directions. I keep hoping I'll follow all perfectly. But we all know there are no books that are perfect                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The Horror Writer" Demise is a mystery. The heroine trips over the body and falls on the porch. As his identity is unknown. Talk about what you know.  The Horror Writer's demise has mystery after mystery and in discovery he finally becomes more complex.  The publisher has his social security number and The detectives wonder if the dead man is in Witness Protection. With luck, they find at least the SS no is but not the man. Finding out what happened becomes a real puzzle. The heroine using her researching skills and a program aides a hand. What will they fine when they reach the end?

Figuring how to follow the clues that aren't overt was a fun trip. Will the killer be unmasked? What trouble will Val and Kyle encounter? While this is a mystery series, there will also be a romance. During the stories left to tell, the hero and heroine will journey from attraction to love.

The heroine Valentina Hartley goes to the Writer's House to attend a seminar. With a name like hers, she should write a romance.


  1. Starting a new novel is always exciting... and scary. But it seems you have a good grip on the characters, and a mystery not easily solved. Good luck with the writing. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Sounds intriguing Janet! Love the heroine's name :)


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