Saturday, May 18, 2024

Changes ~ Old Dog New Trickls


To find out more about Nancy's work click on the cover above.

So changes. I have to say I don't particularly like changes. But right now I'm going through a huge one. The place I've lived in for 30 years has been sold and we're packing up lock stock and barrel and moving to small town Alberta. Castor Alberta to be exact. It will be a big change from living rural with my nearest neighbor being the local coyotes, badgers and gophers. Not to mention the ravens who nest across the road.

We took possession of the small house on April 30th of this year and have been painting and cleaning. It's an older  house, built in 1932, but then I like older  houses. The one I'm leaving is a 1920s vintage. The moving and packing has  put a dent in my writing time but I'll have to get back to it pretty quick once we finally get moved in. Movers are coming on the 14th of May to take the bigger stuff, like my beloved oak antique bookcase, up to the house.

Below are some memories from the house I'm leaving but also leaving behind a piece of my heart. Until next month, be well, be happy.






  1. Moving is difficult. For me it's the disruption of the memories made in the place. It's been 50 years since my last move but I still have the memories made in that house.

  2. Ah, change, the constant that never stops. Treasure those memories and enjoy the new moments! Thanks for sharing - your photos are beautiful.

  3. Beautiful pictures. Change is always challenging. I wish you a smooth move. Thanks for sharing.


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