Sunday, May 19, 2024

P is for People Watching by Helen Henderson

Windmaster Golem
Click the title for purchase information

As an introvert, I don't like to be in the center of things. I prefer to people watch. I don't usually go looking for a specific piece of data, the Internet is more suitable for that. However, by observing real life, you can pick up a name here or a snippitt of background there.

But what can people watching do for an author looking for inspiration?

Denim jacket, felt, brimmed hat,
farmer or author on an autumn day?

The first level is physical characteristics. Condition of clothing and hair style can be outward extensions of a character's personality. 

A level down is how they walk or particular expressions. These can be cues to to their background while scarred knuckles or a red neck can be transformed into indicators of the persons work and life. Another outward manifestation is what he calls his lunch. Terms of a sub (submarine,) hero, grinder, hoagie, or po'boy indicate a regional heritage. It an author uses one, they have to ensure that people outside the area can understand the context and what is being described.

Same person, decades earlier




Even a fantasy world can benefit from a little real-world viewing. The energy of small children racing around a yard while adults watch from a comfortable chair in the kitchen. Or, it could be the elderly woman stoically wiping away a tear as she explains she was alone again for her birthday. No phone calls, no drop-by visits, or even a note. "It is okay," she said. "Maybe next year. The great-grandchildren are still small and their parents have busy lives." Change birthday to naming day, and year to turn, and the story is transformed from this world to another.

If you didn't notice the theme, May is a special month in my family with one birthday and many (did I say many?) anniversaries. The month begins with several of the anniversaries on what is known as "Mothers' Day."

Wishing you the energy of the small children and the happiness that escaped the woman.

~Until next month, stay safe and read.   Helen

To purchase the Windmaster Novels: BWL

Helen Henderson lives in western Tennessee with her husband. While she doesn’t have any pets in residence at the moment, she often visits a husky who have adopted her as one the pack. Find out more about her and her novels on her BWL author page.


  1. People watching is fu. I've often found a character or some vital part of a story just from watching others react and act

  2. Yes to people watching! Everywhere I go I observe and take mental notes.
    Relating to your post, Helen, my heart was touched by your description of the elderly woman alone on her birthday. Thanks for sharing :)

  3. People watching is always fun, even when writing science fiction and fantasy. Although the setting and circumstances might change, people remain people, no matter the time or place. Thanks for sharing.


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