Sunday, August 4, 2024

A Chicken Story for You

In my spare time...

I'm not actually sure what "spare time" is, but I've been working very hard on my next book. It is a memoir I am writing for someone very important to me. I find myself thinking about it all day and a lot of the night. How should I phrase this? Am I getting the timeline right? Is this going to make him proud? 

Regardless, I haven't got the mental bandwidth to write something fresh for this month's blog, so I thought I would share one of my other pastimes - writing children's stories about my chickens! My nieces particularly love hearing about the latest Sister Chicks drama or adventure. They even help me think up the craziest storylines. It also gives me a chance to dabble with drawing, which I am not great at, but it feels good creating characters with a pencil instead of a keyboard now and then. 

I have to admit, I thoroughly enjoy playing around with this kind of writing. It is particularly helpful when I'm stuck with writer's block or just not sure where to go next in a novel's plotline. It's like a writer's jungle gym to get the fog out.



  1. What a fun and cute story. You are multi-talented, Julie. Thanks for sharing this.


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