Saturday, August 3, 2024

The Immoral by Jay Lang


Click this link to visit Jay Lang's BWL Author Page for purchase information

This novel was great fun to write! The setting of the story  took place on a boat in beautiful Deep Cove, located in North Vancouver BC. After living 4 ½ years on my boat at the same location where I set my book, it wasn’t hard to recapture the essence of living on the water in the Pacific Northwest.

Since I was writing a suspense novel, I knew I needed to incorporate a frightening element into the story, and the old power station up the Indian Arm seemed perfect for that. The building had even been used as a filming location for Stephen King's story, IT, which was adapted into a movie. The building, built in the 1800’s has an eerie past involving a murder and a dangerous love triangle. Interesting! I would often take my Zodiac boat there to jig for cod. There were times when I would drift close to the foundation of the old station and look way up at the broken windows into the darkness. I used to get body shivers as I was the only person around, just me and whatever sinister creepy things inhabited the old building. LOL.

In this book, my characters are running from a bad guy on shore and must enter the old structure through the back. The building has long since been condemned so gaining access was impossible. So, I called the local water taxi and lucked out. The young man who was working told me that he and his friends had on a few occasions went into the old water station. So, I was able to gain a lot of information about the inside and the outside of the place. (For his troubles, I sent him a signed copy of the novel when it was released.) So, if you like creepy tales with a thrilling plot, I think you’ll like this book.

Thanks for reading!


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1 comment:

  1. Great background info to authenticate your book. Gave me shivers too. Love the title :)


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