Saturday, January 18, 2025

That In between Feeling by Nancy M Bell


To find more of Nancy's books click on the cover above.

Ta Daaahhhh! This is the cover of my latest book which will release in the Spring of 2025. It is set in the Manitoba Legislature building on the night of the Winter Solstice. It's part of the paranormal collection being created by BWL Publishing Inc. 

I had a blast researching this book, there are so many cool things in Manitoba that I could have woven a story around. Lake monsters and UFOs and so much more. But once I found the Legislature building I was hooked. The architect was a Mason and he incorporated that into the features of his creation. Messages in stone, hidden in plain sight. Including the iconic Golden Boy or as the sculptor named him Eternal Youth.

I have hit the doldrums of creation at the moment. I have just finished the tale and sent it off to the publisher for the editor to have his go at it. And now I'm in that pocket that happens when one story has ended but another hasn't yet been born. It's a strange place for an author who always seems to have a company of characters ranging around in her head. Some from older stories who wish their own tale told, some new ones elbowing their way in to the mix. 

But for the period that always comes after I type The End, there is a void of sorts. Almost as if my brain (or more likely my much abused Muse) takes a deep breath and lets it out, releasing the accumulated strain of corralling my characters into the paths I wish them to take in order to bring the story as I envision it to life. You laugh, but often my characters get uppity and take off on tangents of their own leaving me to chase along behind gathering up the consonants and vowels they discard and attempting to catch the news they are launching back at me. 

I suppose I should be grateful for the creative doldrums, and I am in a way. But I'm always waiting for the next cloudy storm of words to appear on the horizon, hoping the winds will blow them my way and pick me up out of the equatorial doldrums where I'm languishing. Picture my Muse down in the captain's cabin stretched out in the berth with a glass of rum, while I'm up on deck scanning the horizons for those clouds with a spyglass pressed to my eye.

Fortunately, the doldrums don't usually last too long. Soon the limp sails of my mind start to shiver in the breeze as a zephyr dances across the calm waters, waking wavelets in its wake. Down below, my Muse sighs, empties the bottle of rum, stretches and saunters up on deck with me to watch the clouds of words gather on the horizon.

Hopefully, it won't be too long before the winds pick up, but for the moment I am going to enjoy my stay here in the becalmed waters. Maybe I'll join my Muse for some of that rum.

Until next month, stay well, stay happy.




  1. Yes, finishing a story and starting another is always a difficult transition. But as soon as the juices start flowing again, there is no stopping the writer. Thanks for sharing your process.

  2. I love escaping inside the word clouds of Nancy Bell! It's comforting to know I'm not the only one who experiences this doldrums phase. Your words here give me hope that my next adventure in writing will appear on the horizon exactly when it's ready. Thank you for that!

  3. Love the title! And I love the nautical references :)


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