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Showing posts with label #Books We Love. Show all posts

Friday, December 24, 2021

December by Joan Donaldson-Yarmey


The word December comes from the Latin word decem which means ‘ten’. In the Roman calendar, which began with the month of March, December was the tenth month. The cold, wintery days between the end of December and the beginning of March did not have a name. Eventually, those days were called January and February and were considered the beginning of the calendar year. Therefore, December became the twelfth month but kept its name.

      The birthstone of December is turquoise with blue topaz a close second. Turquoise color can range from sky-blue to blue green to a vivid green. The flower of December is the narcissus. The Zodiac sign Sagittarius ends on December 21 and Capricorn begins on December 22.

     December is noted for the Nobel Prizes being awarded in that month. Other events that took place in December are: the first Sunday newspaper began publication in Britain on December 4, 1791; the Bill of Rights was passed in the USA on December 14, 1791; the Wright brothers made their first flight on the December 17th, 1903; and the first heart transplant took place in December 03, 1967.

     Celebrations in December include World Aids Day on the first, the International Day of the Disabled Person on the third, and International Hug day on the fourth. Human rights day is on the tenth but there is also the month long observance of Universal Human Rights. Poinsettia Day is on the twelfth.

     Christmas Day is celebrated by Christians around the world on December 25 to mark the birth of Jesus Christ. Some non-Christian celebrations in December include: Hanukkah from December 7-14 on the Jewish calendar; Bodhi Day (Buddhism) on the 8th; and Datta Jayanti (Hinduism) and Yomari punhi (Nepal Era) on the 25th.

     Some facts and beliefs about December:

    December 1st always falls on the same day of the week as September 1st and December 31st is always on the same day of the week as April 30th, even in a Leap Year.

    December 21 is the beginning of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and has the shortest number of daylight hours of the year. It is the first day of summer in the Southern Hemisphere and has the longest daylight hours there.

     The ancient Mayans were very advanced in their culture and in their understanding of the universe. Because the Mayan calendar ended on the 21st of December 2012, many people world-wide thought it predicted the world as we knew it would end on that day.

     If snow falls on Christmas day, Easter will be warm and sunny.

     Some believe that December 28 is the unluckiest day of the year, while spiders and their webs are considered lucky on Christmas.

     More dentists have birthdays in December than in any other month according to a survey done in 2011. The results of another survey showed that couples argue the most during the last month of the year.

     More money is drawn from ATMs during December than in any other month.

     St. Nicholas, was originally the patron saint of children, thieves, and pawnbrokers. He is now known as Santa Claus.

     A Norse tradition of cutting and burning a tree on December 21 to bring in the Winter Solstice was supposed to last for twelve days. This is now known as the 12 days of Christmas.

    Germany had the first artificial Christmas trees. Some were wooden and shaped like a pyramid while others, developed in the 1880s, were made of goose feathers that were dyed green. Candy canes are supposed to represent the Shepherds cane, the star at the top of the tree is for the first Christmas night and candles, which were used before there was power for lights, represented the light of the world.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Attending a Writing Conference Outside Your Genre by Eileen O'Finlan



I recently had the pleasure of attending the New England Crime Bake, a conference for mystery writers. I went with a friend who writes cozy mysteries and was on the one of the workshop panels. I, however, do not write mysteries nor do I intend to. So what would I get from a workshop for mystery writers? Glad you asked.

As with most conferences, there were several workshop options running at the same times from which to choose. I was able to easily find workshops that had to do with writing in general rather than specific to the mystery genre alone. For example, I attended a workshop on creating conflict in a story. Sure, the presenter used examples from mysteries, but they easily applied to any story.

I write historical fiction, so naturally I was drawn to the panel discussion on historical mysteries. The authors on this panel spoke a lot about historical research which certainly applies to my writing. It was a fascinating discussion which got my own historical research wheels turning.

I also attended workshops on topics peripheral yet important to the writing life, such as creating a business plan for writers and mastering social media for publicity.

Of course there were a lot of workshops that pertained specifically to mystery writers. When a block of time was filled only with those, I went back to my hotel room and spent the time working on my current manuscript. Being in the midst of so many fellow writers was inspirational and my writing during those times finally began to flow. I've managed to maintain that writing mojo even though the conference is over and I'm back home.

Also, there was a key note talk given by investigative reporter and bestselling mystery author, Hank Phillippi Ryan that was amazing. Meals with fellow writers provided a great opportunity to talk shop, make new friends, and engage in networking. Did I mention there were agents and publicists in attendance? It was great to have dinner at the same table with them, pick their brains, and hear their suggestions.

One of the high points for me was attending the "Ask the Experts" panel. This included an author who is a former police detective and now writes crime novels, an editor from Guideposts, a publicist, and my friend, Jane Willan, author of cozy mysteries and a pastor. What I found most interesting was the questions asked of Bruce Robert Coffin, the former detective and now author of the award-winning Detective Byron Mysteries. He is a wealth of information about how detectives operate. He is also adept at explaining how such information should be utilized in a story. I may not use any of it in my writing, but I was fascinated listening to him.

Attending writing conferences are extremely valuable for learning your craft and networking. Conferences that focus on your genre are best. However, if the situation presents itself, attending a conference outside your genre is far from a waste of time and money. It is amazing what you will get from any gathering of writers.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

My Poetry Moment by Joan Donaldson-Yarmey

My Poetry Moment

      Over my writing career I have had articles, short stories, travel books, and mystery, young adult, and science fiction novels published. And one poem. When that one poem was accepted for publication, I felt I had taken my writing to another level. I decided, though, that my contribution was going to be different, that I was going to take the poetry community by storm. I wanted to make my mark, to stand out in the poetry world. And to do that I came up with a new poetry sub-genre that I called Script Poetry. Just like a movie script I set up the scene and the tone for the poem and give some background of the story in the poem by using a script layout. It made the whole poem more visual and that way I could get right to the meat of what I wanted to say. 

     I enthusiastically sent out my script poems and waited for the accolades to come in.

    Surprisingly, the publishers were not as galvanized about this new style of poetry as I was. No one accepted them for publication. 

     But never underestimate the power of a script poet scorned. At the same time as I was planning my burst onto the poetry stage, I was writing my mystery novel "The Only Shadow In The House," the second book of The Travelling Detective Series. I gave one of my characters the career of a poet and her specialty was Script Poetry. Needless to say the publishers and critics in my fictional world were highly impressed with the poems. The poetry was very popular with the reading public and the poetress won many awards. 

     To quote from my book: One critic wrote that her poems have an innovative, revolutionary style that is shaking the foundations of the conventionally staid poetry community, while another critic called them insightful and powerful. 

     I have taken one of the script poems from that novel for you to judge for yourself.


Fade In
Act One
Exterior-Farm House-Night.
There is snow on the ground. Stars twinkle in the clear, night sky. A vehicle pulls into the yard and a woman climbs out. She stares at the house then takes a deep breath. She releases it in a vapour. With slow tread she climbs up the steps and enters the darkened house. Inside, she stops and listens.


There is no noise in my house, it is dark and silent.
Today, I buried you. Is this what it is like in your grave,
total quiet, total darkness?
I flip on the light and wander the house
looking at the possessions that
represented a life that never existed,
except in my own mind.
This has been our home for nineteen years
but it now feels alien to me.
Because from now on I know that mine
will be the only shadow in the house.
I must leave here soon.


End Act One
Fade Out


Fade In
Act Two
Interior-Farm House- Night.
All the lights are on in the house. The woman is in the kitchen. She pushes over the shelving holding plant seedlings and pots. She heads to the dining room and goes to a china cabinet with no doors. All the shelves hold figurines and dishes and knick knacks. They crash to the floor with a sweep of her hand. The ones that don’t break, disintegrate under her foot.


“Damn you, Ben. Damned you to hell!” I yell.
I want you to hear. I want you to know
the sorrow and the pain you have brought me.
I go from room to room, expunging.
I spray your shaving cream on the walls.
I dump your aftershave in the tub.
I grab a knife and shred your clothes.
Finally, there is nothing of yours left.
I feel some satisfaction.
You destroyed my life and now I have
destroyed everything that represented yours.
“There you bastard,” I say. “Rot in hell.”


Fade Out
End Act Two


Fade In
Act Three
Interior-Farm House- Night
The woman is standing in front of a picture on the living room wall. The furniture and floor are littered with debris. She takes the picture off the hook and stares at it a long time.


I find our wedding photograph on the wall.
I’d had it enlarged for our tenth anniversary
as my loving gift to you.
Were you as pleased as you said you were
or was that just a sham?
I smash the glass against the corner of the table.
I cut my finger removing the shards.
I look at you smiling back at me.
Were you an impostor in our marriage?
For now I wonder how many other
women did you see over our nineteen years.
I slash the picture with the knife. How symbolic.


End Act Three
Fade Out

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