I have a lot in common with my main character, Laken, in All That Shimmers.
No, I didn't find my ex-husband dead.
No, I'm not exactly a former model either.
I do love a good mystery AND I did leave my old life behind and trek across thousands of miles to start over.
Laken, however, didn't have two cats.
The cats definitely made the 5 day trip more interesting. First of all, there was our very first hotel stop in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. The hotel was a bit creepy on the outside. And the kitties and I were on the second floor. No elevator. I got exercise. Everyone else in the hotel got entertainment.
We were fine until I checked in and went to get the kitties who were both secure in their carriers. Or so I thought.
Jazz was fine. Snug as a furry bug.
Ash, my 22 pound ball of fur, fell to the gravel when her carrier fell apart in my hands!
My skittish, fur baby proceeded to run UNDER my car and across the parking lot without me. I dropped everyhing and chased after her. Around two trucks that were parked - thank goodness no one else was checking in right then! - and found my girl sprawled on the gravel near the ditch SUNBATHING!! Of course she scrambled under cover of the nearest truck the second I stepped toward her. Try as I might. She refused to come out. Lucky for me there was a man nearby and I asked him to please keep an eye on her so I could get some treats.
Back to the car. Put Jazz back inside for safety. Grab some treats and put the bits of carrier back into sort of one piece. Try to lure Ash who goes beneath the second truck. This time, I can reach her. I get on hands and knees in the gravel and pull her out. We're both dusty and have nasty rock bites, but she's wrapped in my arms. I unceremoniously plunk her back into the wobbly carrier and carry her up the stairs and halfway down the hall to our room before...It falls apart again!
More entertainment for people coming and going from their rooms. Including the guy who checked me in who had no idea what to say when I asked where the nearest pet store was. I meant for a new carrier, but at that point...
Did I mention she weighs 22 pounds?
I leave the carrier in the hallway and carry my terrified cat down the hall and into our room where I lock her in the bathroom. Thankfully, the rest of the haul went smoothly! With both cats in the hotel room, fed, watered, and litterboxes ready, I searched online for a nearby pet supply store. Miraculously, one is 5 minutes away! I get the luxury model with extra screws and bolts to hold her in securely and plunk down $85. Ouch! But, it has one great feature Ash loves for the rest of the trip: a sunroof! She can see everything and doze in the sunshine.
I should've picked up two.
Jazz was jealous, owly, and wanted nothing more than to gouge my eyes out for the entire trip! Until we got to a hotel where he could come on the bed with me and cuddle. That seemed to help. At least until the next morning.
The trip wasn't all about cranky cats. I saw scenery that made me gasp and some amazing wildlife. A black bear, two moose, two sandhill cranes walking in the ditch, 2 coyotes, dozens of pronghorn antelope across the southern prairies, and a pair of hawks - male and female - out hunting. I truly felt blessed.
Happy to report the kitties are settled into our new home and somewhat contented.
Ash getting a back rub.
Jazz on the new couch. |
Now that the nightmare is behind them, they're both back to soaking up the sunshine and fresh air and hogging my bed at night!
And I can get settled and back to writing.
Have a Happy Summer!
Diane Bator