Thursday, January 18, 2024
January ~ The Month with Two Faces
Saturday, November 18, 2023
The Place that Held You by Nancy M Bell
Crouched and ready we wait,
Dawn is late in coming
And when it does it is shrouded
In mist and fog
It is more than the damp and wet
That sends the shivers over our skin
Anticipation and fear war with each other
Where are the tanks that are supposed to
support us?
Stitched together by mizzle and mist
Yards away, across the trampled earth
The enemy crouch and wait as we do
Where are the tanks? The support?
Whispers and rumours run up and down the line
Then—suddenly the wait is over
“Over the top, boys,” the sergeant yells
Surging out of our earthen burrows
Running, firing blind, blinking in the fog
No time to think, only to run and fire
Ducking bullets whining by our ears
Then—it stops
I open my mouth and spit mud
Blood, hot and cold runs through my fingers
The old guys were right
There is no pain when it happens
Just a mixed sensation of disbelief
And relief…
Even if I die right here in the mud
It’s over:
The fear;
the wet;
the lice;
the killing.
Somewhere my mates are yelling and shots echo
But around me there is an odd silence
A separation from the man-made hell
One hand clutching my gut,
the other somehow still wrapped around my rifle
I let the lark song sing me to sleep.
Monday, September 18, 2023
New News and All by Nancy M Bell
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