Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Is it Spring yet? by Nancy M Bell
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Going down the Rabbit Hole by Nancy M Bell
To find out more about my work please click on the cover.
Working on a historical mystery has its own rewards and challenges. There is so much information to track down and then process. How to fit it all together...what to keep...what to throw away...what to actually use in the story...
The process of tracking down the information and then verifying said information is an experience all on its own. I find myself following links and leads from one site to another and then oh my! looking for actual books, either hard copy or digital, to further add to the pile of data that needs to be sorted through.
Ultimately, I arrive at the bottom of the rabbit hole and I'm never sure if I'm any more enlightened than when I started. But of course, then the author has to start to shovel their way back to the surface, sorting the dross from the gold. I emerge into the light holding some tiny nuggets of gold (information I can actually use).
However, the journey is important because even though I may not use all the information directly in the final product, the finding and sorting of all the information helps me to formulate the background structure that I will ultimately pin my story to. It enriches the overall image and atmosphere I wish to create, a backdrop if you will, against which my mystery and the characters involved can play out the storyline.
Though, sometimes I do wish the rabbit hole was not quite so deep or the rabbit warren not quite so extensive.
The Tom Thomson Mystery releases from BWL Publishing in November of 2024. I think you'll find it interesting with a rather unique POV from my protaganist ~ Harriet Agnes St. George of Sprucedale Ontario who is spending her spring and summer of 1917 in Algonquin Park in what was known then as New Ontario.
Until next month stay well, stay happy
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
In Memory ~ Never Forget by Nancy M Bell
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