My childhood hero, Alexander Hamilton, was born on January 11th on the little volcanic island of Nevis. Carrying the Edwardian novel I'd discovered in a used book store, I traveled with my mother to the place of his birth. Mother had her drawbacks, but she certainly took me to some interesting and (by Americans) rarely visited places back in the 1950's, for which I remain grateful. January cannot pass without a retelling.
I hope you will forgive me for this often told tale, but I am getting older and there is a certain compulsion to leave something behind which someone might remember. That Edwardian novel, short on facts though it proved to be, gained us entry to a little "hotel" on the island, because the owner regularly refused would-be guests if they had children. Being a quiet, polite child with a passion for this illustrious native son got us in the door, even though the lady of the house was quite ready, upon seeing me, to cast us out, literally, into the night.
January 27th is Mozart's birthday, so his natal day has just passed. Here's a character who took over my life for years--and years. Recently, I had an Akashic reading from a clairvoyant, who uncovered some material relating to this long obsession. I have never ventured into this territory before and had absolutely zero expectations.
First, however, I need to talk a little about what I understand concerning the Akashic records. I will quote Wikipedia: "In the religion of Theosophy and the spiritual movement called Anthroposophy, the Akashic Records are believed to be a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present or future..." This includes all sentient entities and life forms, not only "humans." Akasha is a Sanskrit term meaning "aether", sky or atmosphere and the foundational notion came West from Buddhist philosophy.
Akasha became Akashic via Helena Blavatsky, founder of Theosophy, who spoke of "indestructible tablets of astral light." Later esoteric philosophers, C.W. Leadbeater, Rudolf Steiner, Alice Bailey and Edgar Cayce, enlarged the concept. Akashic Records were likened to the entire experience, past, present, and future, of every life form in the universe--a kind of vibrational, spiritual "cloud" storage for infinity. These "files" could be retrieved by skilled practitioners and revealed to individuals.
You can go further down that particular rabbit hole and never escape. For instance, Ervin Laszlo's 2004 book "Science & the Akashic Field": An integral Theory of Everything, which attempts to explain mysteries of quantum physics via this philosophical structure. Therefore, I'll return to the original subject, my unexpected experience with an Akashic reading.
Many people seek Akashic readings hoping to find connections with famous historical heroes/heroines, but I wasn't one of them. The whole idea seemed absurd to me. If we are reborn, why shouldn't most of us have been some kind of working stiff, just one of the "cast of thousands" "another brick in the wall" character?
Here's what happened to me. I was told I had spent many years reliving and remembering a past life, evading the tasks of my present soul/life on this planet. Long story short, my informant said it would be best to stop. I could honestly reply I'd left that "addiction" behind, because I knew exactly what the clairvoyant was talking about, the decade spent exclusively on all those Mozart books/research/music. Apparently, according to the reading, I was, a few lifetimes ago, a part of his circle. The feeling was not "wow!" but more like the calm which descends when you find a puzzle piece for which you've been searching and snap it into place.
Don't misunderstand, those "Mozart" books are the first born of my novels, and I love them--and their characters--dearly. However, becoming a slave to a compulsion which drove me to total immersion did some real world, actual, harm. Jobs were lost; security endangered, important relationships neglected, while I spent all my time and energy "in" the 18th Century.
This, of course, sounds more than a little unhinged, but I intend to read more on the subject, especially the recent material linking systems theory to "reverence for natural systems."
"There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy..."
~Juliet Waldron
Sources: Wikipedia articles on Theosophy, Collective Unconscious, Anthony Peake, Ervin Laszlo, Rudolf Steiner, Madam Blavatsky, Edgar Cayce et al.
New Age, New Answers to Deep Questions by Ruta Sevo, PhD
momox.org/pythia Akashic Readings